How to make a puree from zucchini for baby?

How to make a puree from zucchini for baby?

The baby grows and he lacks the maternal nutrient milk. For the first dust, select a zucchini, gentle taste and easy to prepare. You can quickly make a puree from zucchini for infants. If the baby eats a mixture - enter a vegetable puree in its menu after 4 months. If you feed the breast - after 6 months.

How to make a baby puree from zucchini - Useful tips

Before cooking, keep in mind the following:

  • For cooking puree take fresh or frozen vegetables. A good option - a zucchini grown on his garden. For the winter, make blanks and store in the freezer. Freeze in disposable glasses or in bags for freezing. You can buy zucchini on the market or in the store;
  • Use young vegetables without damage. Sorts Choose any - zucchini or zucchini with white crust;
  • Prepare a zucchini. Wash well under running water if it is from your garden. Shopping vegetables place in cold water and slightly satisfy. Leave for 2 hours. This will help remove pesticides and other harmful substances;
  • For the first time, give a puree to a child in the morning. The first portion does not exceed half a teaspoon. In the afternoon, watch the cloth, as he suffered a new dish. Increase gradually the amount of dust up to 100 grams;
  • Combine zucchini with other vegetables. The baby got used to the zucchop - dilute with mashed apple, carrot, potatoes, pumpkin or cauliflower. Add to a dish one new vegetable.

How to make a baby puree in a saucepan from zucchini?

  1. Clean the zucchini. With a washed vegetable, cut the peel with a knife. Cut the loose core with seeds. Cut the cubes peeled vegetable or bars.
  2. Put the zucchini pieces into a small saucepan. Fill with water so that it covered the contents of the ass. Use filtered water or buy cleaned in the store. Salt, spices and sugar do not add.
  3. Put a saucepan on the stove. After boiling, cook 10-15 minutes before the softness of the vegetable.
  4. Grind zucchini to homogeneous mass. Use a sieve, plug or blender. The thick dish dilute the vegetable decoction. It should not be lumps. Do not give your baby baby, cool down.

How to make a baby puree from zucchini in a slow cooker?

  1. Prepare a vegetable. Clean the peel and remove the seeds. Cut rings.
  2. Make pieces of zucchini in a slow cooker.
  3. Select mode and time for cooking. Mode - "quenching" or "Cooking for a couple". Put the time - 10 minutes.
  4. Grind the finished zucchini. Move the blender and then skip through the sieve. Get a homogeneous vegetable mass. Deliver a thick dish with vegetable decoction or breast milk.

How to make a baby from the zucchini puree with an apple to a couple?

This dish is suitable for children from 6 months. Prepare:

  • Half of a small zucchini;
  • 1 green apple.


  1. Prepare ingredients for mashed potatoes. Wash, remove seeds. Cut the peel and cut the slices.
  2. Pour in a multicooker 250 ml of water. Install a pairoral basket in the device. In it decompose pieces of apple and zucchini.
  3. Install the cooking mode for a pair.Time - 15 minutes.
  4. Finishing the mixture to put in the mind and grind the blender. Warm, but not cold puree feed the infants.

Do not store the cooked vegetable puree for the second feeding. Prepare a new portion. A useful vegetable will give a crude a lot of nutritious and useful for its growth and the development of substances. Allergies from the zucchini at the kid will not appear and he gladly whine a new dish.

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