What to do with squash for the winter?

What to do with squash for the winter?

While waiting for the first harvest of zucchini, the hostess was looking forward to cooking are delicious everyday meals. Treating the family daily with tender squash pancakes and fragrant vegetable stew, kulinarka begin to mourn, that in the winter they have such an opportunity will be gone. It does not apply to the hosts, who know how to prepare for winter squash.

frozen zucchini

Frozen squash can be an excellent alternative to fresh fruit. Freeze them in several ways.

squash chips

Thawed grated zucchini in winter can be used for the same fritters or pancakes.

  1. Select the best young zucchini, so they were still very tender skin. Wash fruits and pat dry with a towel.
  2. With peel vegetables rub on a coarse grater and give weight to lie down in a bowl for about 10 minutes During this time, the chips let the juice.
  3. Gently squeeze excess moisture and divide kabachkovaja semifinished product into individual portions of about 500 g
  4. Arrange chips on bags and freeze them in the freezer.
  5. Winter thaw before cooking zucchini on the shelf of the refrigerator and again press them from the excess fluid.

squash slices

This preform is suitable for cooking or for making different therefrom casseroles.

  1. Average young squash the same size, always are clean and dry, cut into 1 cm thick rings.
  2. Cutting board cooking foil wrap and place it on the circles in one layer.
  3. Freeze the first batch mode on "Fast freeze" and reload circles in packages. They immediately send in the freezer.
  4. Have done the same with all the chopped fruits on mug.

Such winter squash cook in a pan or in the oven, without first defrosting them. Defrost large pieces of vegetables leads to the fact that when cooked they become very soft and greatly lose their shape.

squash cubes

Cubes of zucchini well to prepare for the winter, so you have to cook stews, grata and put in vegetable soups.

  1. Prepared zucchini cut into cubes the same size 1 * 1 cm. If the vegetables are ripe, then be sure to clean them from the skin and remove the middle with the seeds. Put the cubes in a colander or a sieve Multivarki.
  2. Process zucchini hot steam for 3-4 minutes. It allows to drain excess moisture.
  3. Cooled cubes of zucchini spread out in bags or containers and freeze them before winter.

courgettes dried

Rarely any housewife knows that squash can be dried as the same apples. If you have a special electric dryer or you live in an area with hot summers, then please be dried zucchini. They make them wonderful stews and soups.

  1. small size zucchini well wash and dry. Cut their long thin strips or slices of thickness 0.5 cm.
  2. Spread prepared circles or strips on the drying trays or on any flat clean surface. Electric driers drying was performed according to the instructions. When drying in the sun be sure to cover with gauze vegetables from flies.
  3. Store the dried zucchini in paper bags, selecting a place for them in a cool dark pantry.

Winter original canned zucchini

If freeze-drying and squash require further cooking of the summer prepared convenience foods, canned goods, you can use immediately.

Caviar squash as the store of the Soviet

  1. 3 kg of pulp of zucchini grate. Fold them into the cauldron.
  2. 0.5 kg of finely chopped onions fry in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  3. Bow add to the weight and place squash 1.5 tablespoons Salt. Simmer all together half an hour, making it difficult to not burnt.
  4. After the allotted time for the first cooking, put in a 250 mL kettle quality tomato paste and 100 ml of fat mayonnaise. Also, add 50 g of sugar and a teaspoon of ground black pepper.
  5. Boil future spawn an additional 30 minutes and then pour it into 50 ml of a 9% vinegar fortress.
  6. Together with vinegar preform simmer for 30 minutes, and then lay eggs on sterilized jars and cover them with sterilized caps.
  7. The filled jars additionally sterilize in boiling water, and only then ukuporte their lids sealed. You need to sterilize 30 minutes (for jars volume of 0.5 liters) and 1 hour (for cans of volume of 1 liter).

Courgettes, cucumbers as the Bulgarian company "Globus"

These zucchini out very spicy. They can even prepare salad, replacing them pickles.

  1. Most small zucchini, cucumbers the size of a good wash and dry. Cut off their tips and fold in one-liter jars, pouring umbrellas dill, currant leaves and sprigs of tarragon. Spices take 1.5 tablespoons. If you squash is not very small, then cut them into small pieces.
  2. Pour boiling water courgettes and hold them in hot water for 25 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and cook the cans thereon spicy marinade: 5 fused cup of water, 200 ml of vinegar 9%, 0.5 sugar faceted cup, 1 tablespoon salt without top.
  4. Pour boiling marinade zucchini and tighten the key cover. Banks blanket wrap and allow to cool completely so.

Jam of zucchini as citrus jam

Unaware of what is cooked jam, no visitor would never guess that it has a squash.

  1. 4 small zucchini dense pulp and soft cloth dice 1 * 1 cm. In the same manner, prepare 2 small lemon and 1 large orange. Peel from citrus fruits do not remove, and from the seeds free.
  2. Prepared ingredients pour 1 kg of sugar and leave to stand for 3-4 hours.
  3. When the zucchini juice and sugar be allowed to become wet, send pan on the heat and bring to a boil weight. Remove the foam and cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Give content to cool and again put on fire. Boil 3 minutes. Again cool.
  5. Jam adjusted to boiling twice more: 4 and 5 minutes.
  6. After the final heat treatment billet unfold into sterile jars and send them in a cold place.

Courgettes have a neutral mild taste, so ably their cooking can replace even mushrooms. Do not believe? Overcame this video.



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