In order for cabbage for the cabbage to become even softer and it would be easy to make delicious cabbage from it, use an easy way to prepare cabbage sheets in a microwave oven. In a short time, in the cooking process, you can get soft cabbage leaves, which will be the basis of delicious cabbage rolls.
Preparation of leaves
- For cabbagels, you should choose a cabbage of medium sizes (1 - 2.5 kg), where there are no black dots on the leaves and other damage. It is recommended to remove the upper leaves from the cabbage, dark green.
- The selected cabbage should not be sluggish, cracked.
- For the preparation of the cabbage rolls, it does not matter what kind of cabbage variety: summer or winter, most importantly, so that the cabin can be slightly on top of the top.
- No need to be afraid if the selected cabbage has too large leaves or large bodies. During the work, you can delete unnecessary.
- It is desirable, before the start of making cabbage passed the day in a dark and cool place. When she passes, cabbage leaves will be easier to shoot.
- Before cooking should be cut cabbage leaves. Noise should be done by the sequence, as the leaves are located.
- After that, start shooting each sheet separately. Eliminate only those leaves that are well removed. For example, small leaves do not need to be removed, they still do not suit the cabbage rolls.
- When all the leaves are removed, you should put them on the bowl in the microwave. Install the average mode. Cooking time - 10 minutes.
- If the leaves after expiration are still hard, then cooking should be continued, but time to choose is 5 minutes.
- After the leaves are ready, it should be trimmed in places where there are large bodies. When circumcision should be neatly cropping the surplus so as not to damage the integrity of the cabbage sheet.
- All leaves for cabbage rolls! Now you can proceed to cooking the filling.
How to soften the cabbage leaves?
- For the softening of the leaves, this method is used: you need to cut the whole cabbage on a small swing and put the leaves around it.
- After that, put cabbage into a plastic bag (you can still use food film, packing package) and send to the microwave. Set the time - 10 minutes. Cooking mode - medium.
- Such a procedure with cabbage leaves can be done several times until the desired result is reached.
- After the leaves of the ride should be cropping all the extra accommodation.
How to quickly cook cabbage leaves?
In a small bowl with high edges, pour water and put in it cabbage leaves. Let them not all be covered with water, it will not affect the result.
Put a bowl into the microwave and select the average cooking mode, cooking time is 10 minutes.
The preparation of cabbage leaves in the microwave does not take much time, but the cabbage rolls with properly cooked cabbage leaves are obtained very tasty and appetizing.