How to make a glazier for gingerbread?

How to make a glazier for gingerbread?

So that homemade baking looked beautiful and appetizing, do not be lazy to decorate it. Today we will talk about sugar glaze for gingerbread - it not only gives them an original look, but for a long time retains freshness pastries. The upper sugar crust holds moisture inside the products and gingerbread, even a few days remain soft. But this option can be implemented if the gingerbreads are tightly covered with sugar mass from all sides.

Powder glazing for gingerbread

This icing can not only lubricate the entire surface of the gingerbread, but it is also suitable for drawing patterns.

  1. 260 g of sugar powder seek through the smallest metal strainer. If there are lumps left in it, then give them to a spoon, so that they also passed through the cells of the sieve.
  2. Take one large raw egg and separate the squirrel from the yolk. The egg should be very fresh and cooled.
  3. Using a silicone culinary spatula, mix the protein and powder to a smooth state.

If you are sideways to draw with icing, then separate it a little from the total mass and add a couple of drops of any food dye.

Lemon-protein glaze for gingerbread

This icing has shining white and suitable for gingerbread, which, for example, is preparing for the New Year's table. Gentle white drawings will resemble the patterns of the frost on the window.

  1. Self-eagle protein mix with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice.
  2. In this hard mass, enter into small portions of 260 g of the smallest sugar powder. All mix well with silicone spatula.
  3. Put the glaze in a small confectionery bag and decorate gingerbread different thematic patterns.

Oil glazing for gingerbread

It is suitable not only to decorate gingerbread, but also to impart elegacity to Madfins and homemade cookies. It turns out very tender taste and translucent on appearance.

  • 100 g of soft butter Scroll to Bela with three tablespoons of powdered sugar. Powdle in a spoon dial with top.
  • Enter two spoons of lemon juice in the glaze, but do it gradually by controlling the gloss of glaze. If it becomes a liquid, then put some more sugar powder.

Chocolate glazing for gingerbread

Lovers of chocolate to taste will have a dark color glaze.

  1. 90 g of sugar powder, 25 g of potato starch, 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder mix and then sacrifice this rash mass through the siete. Dry the mixture you should get homogeneous and without lumps.
  2. In the prepared dry ingredients, lead 3 tablespoons of icewater and stir the glaze to uniformity with a spoon or a spatula.
  3. Apply this glaze only on well-cooled gingerbread and give her time to froze on products at least 4 hours.

Fragrant glaze icing

This type of glaze is suitable for baking, which is served on the tables where only adults are present. It includes any saturated alcoholic drink, for example, rum. The glaze with some alcohol content is perfectly suitable not only for gingerbread, but also for decorating Roma Bab.

  1. 230 ml of water to boil.
  2. Hot water pour into prepared, i.e. Saved sugar powder. Puddles Take 260 g. Mass mix.
  3. Give the glaze to cool minutes 2-3, and then enter 25 ml of a dark or light rum. Rum can be replaced with any liquor or thick alcohol balsam type "Riga".

White glaze for soft gingerbread

Such glaze covers thick homemade gingerbreads from all sides so that they do not worry for a long time.

  1. 1 cup of sugar sand fill 0.5 cups of ordinary drinking water. Stir the mass.
  2. Put the bucket on a slow fire and bring the syrup to a boil.
  3. Boil the mass constantly stirring to the state until all the sugar grains dissolve.
  4. As soon as large bubbles will be formed on the surface of the syrup, retain the glaze from the stove.
  5. Also hotly pour it into a large pelvis, in which there must be baked in advance and completely cooled gingerbread.
  6. Shake the pelvis achieve the glaze evenly dispersed on the surface of the gingerbread.
  7. Gingerbread shock to the grille and wait for the glaze of glazing. It will be seen by how it becomes white.

In this video, you will see how to properly work with sugar icing so that the gingerbreads are obtained bright and elegant.

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