How to cook sochivo on Christmas Eve?

How to cook sochivo on Christmas Eve?

Probably everyone knows that Christmas Eve is called Christmas Eve. Let you look at how to prepare for this holiday and cook very tasty sochivo.

subtleties of cooking

In fact, the recipe for this dish quite a lot today consider the most simple and interesting.

Is ready to consider the dish can be from a variety of foods, most commonly used barley, wheat, rice, peas. Some manage to do sochivo Barley, so here is the thing desired, and cook fancy. Refill for such a lean cereal can also be different, starting from milk, honey ending.

Sochivo recipes are quite simple, but at the same time, you need to know the nuances of its preparation to the dish turned out not only beautiful, but also delicious:

  • The main thing to remember when cooking sochivo is that the process of cooking grains is important, so that this process needs to be given special attention.
  • Another important factor - the dish to cook is necessary to direct feed to the table, in advance it is better not to cook, because as it turns out not so tasty and presentable.
  • Decorating dish need only products, instead of mastic products, lotions, etc. This may be raisins, dried apricots, and other dried fruits, nuts, etc., any
  • Rice cook also needs a certain pattern: wash rice (for those who do not know, it is necessary to wash the rice until then, until the water is almost transparent, because the starch for this dish - once the component). Generally, to cook in a ratio of 2: 1. Here, half cup of rice you need a similar amount of water. Fill the desired number of washed rice boiled or purified water not put medium heat and cook cereals not less than 10 minutes. After a time out, remove from heat dish with rice and leave it with the lid closed for another 5-7 minutes, so that he could infuse and absorb the remaining moisture. Then dressed with boiled barley selected liquid and cook further.

In general, observing all the rules and recommendations, you can cook really delicious sochivo.

best recipe

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare and what "monastic sochivo". Thus, the components of the dishes are simple and find them at home will have no difficulty:

  • Rice - 150-200 g, depending on the required number of sochivo (do not forget, that will be several times larger than the finished form of rice)

  • Nuts - 50 g (this may be walnuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc., it all depends on the culinary preferences of his guests)
  • Lemon (slice will suffice)
  • Orange (you can even replace it with mandarin)
  • Med (in this case, the ideal embodiment will May honey, because for cooking food under consideration is required liquid nectar)
  • Mack - 50 g

Preparation amazing sochivo:

  • As previously mentioned, rice, must necessarily be washed to clear water.
  • Spread the grits in the washed dishes selected (pan - optimal). Fill water (similar number of rice), and put on the hotplate. The fire should be medium, after boiling, immediately remove from heat.
  • Wash undercooked grits cold water. Once produced again fill process cereal and water back into the fire. Boil until cooked cereal necessary, not to boil all the water.
  • With ready-made cereals drain excess liquid and rinse again, but warm water.
  • Raisins soften better, for this it is necessary to boil the water and pour the grapes dry for 5 minutes.
  • The selected type of nuts grate or chop in some other way.
  • Mak pour into a deep bowl and fill it with ordinary tap water (if you have a crane is not too dirty water) and cook for about 20 minutes after leaving it to cool down.
  • Cooled poppy seeds grind in detail, to eventually obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  • Med dissolved in water, the consistency must be such that the mixture turned viscous.
  • Milled poppy pour honey in water and add to these ingredients the cooled cooked cereal. All is well mixed.
  • After that, add in the chopped nuts sochivo.
  • Add to the resulting mixture little lemon juice and orange.
  • Steamed raisins - the last ingredient in this dish.

All the mix, give the dish shape and serve.

Sochivo wheat

So the ingredients for future sochivo:

  • wheat - 250 g
  • nuts, walnuts or almonds 9) - 50 g
  • poppy -75 g (acquiring poppy it is imperative to look at the expiration date, this product is not very popular, so it may be stale)
  • salt - to taste (a few pinches of maximum)
  • honey (preferably liquid) - 4 tablespoons

Phased cooking sochivo of little wheat:

  • Wash grits and do not forget to pre-her bust.
  • Pour wheat water (or purified boiled).
  • Leaving aside the rump howling in 50 minutes.
  • Wash again little wheat and cook, pre-salted lightly.
  • Mack can grind the same whether used in its original form.
  • Add the mashed poppy to wheat.
  • Honey diluted with water, and pour it wheat with poppy seeds.
  • Adding to this mixture nuts (they can be either crushed or integral, depending on preferences).
  • All this is thoroughly mixed and serve.

Bon Appetit.

It should be noted that sochivo - a dietary meal and besides the fact that it is tasty, so more and useful, so keep in mind that weight loss is a great option.

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