For those who like compotes from various fruits, will not be surprised that a delicious drink can be prepared from plum, which can be used at any time of the year. It has a lot of vitamins and among other things, it is insanely tasty, and therefore it is worth learn how to prepare such a drink at home.
Preparatory processes
Before you begin the preparation of the drink under consideration, first need to choose fruits for it. It should be noted that plums should be:
- ripe
- fleshy
- small size
- and that the bone is very well separated from the pulp
- use for such purposes the best variety - Hungarian, Tkemali, Mirabel, Alycha, etc.
If the plums that were in your hands are completely small or a little misunderstood. In this case, the optimal option becomes the conservation of such fruits entirely, if plums, on the contrary, are too large, then you can divide the fruit in half and precisely in this form to preserve.
For the longest, it will be the discovery that you can also do compote and from draining with bones, but there is one nuance, such compotes are not recommended to store more than 24 months, so this fact should be borne in mind.
If the peel is tight on the fruit, then the optimal processing option is blanching, because, otherwise, when processing boiling water, this skin can get caught, which means that in the end you will get a quasher, not a beautiful and delicious compote.
Bloneching is carried out as follows:
- is carried out in hot water
- process time - no more than 12 minutes
- after that, you need plums to lower in cold water
If you treat the skin correctly, after the proceeded process, there are cracks with a mesh, and syrup without any problems penetrates inside the drain.
If you do not want to bother, then you can try simply in several places to brack plums with something sharp. You can do it with a big needle of the same toothpick of wood, and the puncture must be made to the dice of the plum.
Compote from the drain itself is quite tasty, but if adding to such a drink and other fruits, it will turn out to be even sweeter and tastier, so it is worth it to have this fact. Most often, experienced hostesses make the components of the assorted, which are delighted with domestic.
Jars for compotation
Banks for compote must be formed, and, very good. To do this, it is better to use soda, soap, detergent.
Another important stage in the preparation of cans to conservation is a rinse in hot water of all tanks and their sterilization. This process can be carried out in the oven preheated to a high level of ille over a water bath (above the ferry).
Rules sterilization cans:
- Pull out banks from the oven you need very carefully, because you can burn
- To put banks on sterilization best of all the neck down, and you need to put them on a clean towel.
- It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the plums contain a sufficiently large amount of acid, which means that the optimal version in this case is to roll the canes of lacquered type covers.
Plum compote
We will understand in detail in the preparation of a plum compote for the winter:
- to begin with sterilize banks
- prepare covers for rolling cans
- wash plums, take out bones out of them (if necessary it will be necessary to divide them in half)
- Now you need to pour the dummy on ⅓, after which they pour them with water, and the 5 empty space should remain boiling (before the neck).
- In this form, we leave alone the jar with plums for half an hour.
- The next stage - after the specified time, drain the water from the can into some deep tank and add sugar sand (or sugar) there. It is worth calculating this ingredient on the basis of the ratio - 100 g of sugar per liter can.
- You can put the syrup on fire and bring it to a boil, after which they spread it in tanks, and roll around with covers.
Delicious recipe
When we were understood by the entire process of cooking compote, you can go to the immediate recipe. So, the necessary ingredients:
- Plums - 3 kg
- Water - 1.5 l
- Sugar - 800 g (you can use and sugar sand)
Preparation is as follows:
- To begin with, cut the plum into two parts and pull out the bones from them.
- Plums lay in banks, after which they pour the syrup that boiled. Top of covering cans with covers and sterilize for 6 minutes.
- After time, we ride banks.
If you decide to make a compote from natural plum, then the sequence of actions is as follows:
- The first stage - cut fruits in half, and, if possible, carefully remove the bone from the pulp.
- In the event that the bones are not removed, then the optimal option is to blanch plums (this process will not take more than a few minutes).
- We put fruit on banks and put on sterilization, after which we ride banks.
- Probably, you noticed that it is very simple to do compote from plum, the main thing is that there are four things at hand - sugar, banks, plums and water. If you have it all, then for an hour you can cook a very tasty and beautiful compote from plum, which you can drink all year round.
Everything is quite simple, especially if you have a list of necessary ingredients and a proven recipe, it's all you need for a successful compote for the winter.