Delicious and beautiful prunes today can be bought on any market or in a major supermarket. Looking at a very useful product, this yummy nevertheless can be dangerous to health. This only applies to purchased prunes, which some unscrupulous manufacturers are made with the addition of liquid smoke, glycerol or sulfur compounds. These substances enhance the taste and give the shine and elastic drain and elasticity.
Plums for prunes
- If you have the opportunity to buy good fresh plums in the fall or they grow in your garden, then learn how to do homemade prunes. The appearance of it will lose the purchase, but the taste and utility will be at the height.
- For the manufacture of delicacy, any large plums of blue are suitable. Such varieties are considered to be: Hungarian, Rencle Karbyshev, Adygei plum, blue bird. The fruits in all these varieties have very dark skin and the weight of each plum reaches 35-40. Also, these drains are a small bone, but it is a lot of tight pulp.
- For the manufacture of homemade prunes, choose the most ripe plums, which are slightly frozen when pressing. Pay attention to the integrity of the fruits - they should not have holes from worms or cracks on the skin. If the draining of the bone is well removed, then remove it. If it is problematic to get a bone, then dried prunes directly with it.
Natural prunes
This recipe is suitable for very sweet drains:
- Drain remove the bones. Plums wash under running water. Spread them into one layer on the fabric for graze.
- Prepare a soda solution of 100 g of soda and 10 liters of water. Boil it and disconnect the fire. Wait for cooling to 90 degrees. Create a solution in a wide pelvis, to which it will be convenient to lower plums.
- Lay plums on the colander and lower it for 30 seconds in hot solution. After the blanching in the soda solution of plums, hide with clean warm water to lay out dry tissue. Thus, treat everything prepared for drying. If necessary, slightly heat the soda solution in water so that it has a constant ninety-gradual temperature.
- Scroll after blanching plum decompose into one layer on the baking sheets, covered with parchment paper.
- Place the sieve with plums in a pre-warmed oven. Its temperature at this stage should be within 48-50 degrees. Dry in the oven 5 hours. If the oven does not have an inner blowing, then keep the door slightly ajar.
- Remove the plums from the oven and slightly mix them so that they get off from paper. Give plums to cool completely.
- The second time heat the oven, but up to 70 degrees. Place the opponents with plums and dry the fruits again 5 hours. Keep the oven to the open or turn on the blowing.
- After the second drying of plums, cool again and do not forget to mix them.
- Already well dried plums for the third time in the oven for 3-4 hours. Temperature This time is brought to 90 degrees. Watch out for the plums. If some of them dried a little earlier than others, then reflect them and put them on the cooling board.
- Draised plums cool cool in the cool room. Keep them there 10. From the cool air on the plums, an additional dense crust is formed, but inside they will remain elastic.
- Keep home prunes in paper bags and in a cool place.
- We use prunes without bones in salads, desserts, meat dishes. With bones, it is suitable only for cooking delicious winter compotes.
Prunes homemade sugar
This recipe is suitable only for the drain, which bone is well separated. Good Hungarian and you can even take it slightly unreliable.
- Large plums cut along into two parts and remove the bones. Weigh halves - you will need 3 kg.
- All plums lay out in a wide pelvis layers, speaking every sugar sand. Sugar Take exactly 1 kg. Plums are uploading the top - so they will start interacting with sugar faster.
- Give plums to stand 10-12 hours so that they let juice.
- Tase with plum halves in sugar syrup Send to a very slow fire and wait for the entire mass boiling. Boil no more than five minutes. Make sure that the plums do not boil, but as if languished in sugar syrup. With such a gentle heat treatment, the sink will fully retain its shape.
- Turn off the fire and allow the whole halves to cool right in the syrup.
- Having cooled halves lay out the sieve to the stack of syrup from them. In the future, this syrup can be used for cooking cheese or, for example, to feed it to the pancakes.
- Sweet halves of draining decompose into one layer on the baking sheets, covered with baking paper.
- Place the oven with a temperature of 40 degrees. Dry plums for 2 hours with a slightly ajar door.
- Increase the temperature of the oven to 60 and dry the plum for another 2 hours. Do not forget that the oven does not need to close the oven.
- Give the plums to cool right in the oven, and then remove the opponents from it. Plums mix so that they get off the paper.
- Nitens put on the windowsill, but if there is no sun on it. You can accommodate in another suitable place.
- Plums cover gauze and dry them up to the inner elasticity and solid upper layer for 20-24 hours.
- Finished plums put into small paper bags. In turn, put them in polyethylene packages and in such a double package, send sugar prunes into the freezer.
- Deliver prunes from the refrigerator as needed and keep it on the warm kitchen for 1 hour. During this time, dried halves are deserted and will be such that as if they had just prepared them.
In this video you will see how to cook home prunes from those varieties that do not fit for this billet at all.