How to make Kuragu

How to make Kuragu

The kuraga contains a large number of useful elements and vitamins that are fully saved after drying. You can make a dried fruit at home in several ways. But to preserve the taste and quality of the product, it is necessary to comply with certain rules and the preparation technology of Apricot.

How to make a kuraga - preparation of fruits

Delicious drill is obtained from juicy and ripe apricot. Therefore, before proceeding to its drying, it should be carefully examined every fruit.

  • Overripe apricots are not the best option for Kuragi. They have too soft pulp, which will not keep shape, and all the juice will simply flow.
  • Also eliminate rotten and damaged fruits. Then telect apricots with a dense pulp and uniform color.
  • After the fruit for drying is chosen to rinse in their cold water. It is advisable to do it under running water to thoroughly clean the fruit from pollution. Leave the apricots to dry.
  • After that, each fruit is divided into halves and remove the bone from the pulp. Try to do it as careful to keep the surface of the apricot.
  • Once again carefully inspect the fruit. If you notice the flames of the worm, then the apricot should be thrown out, since the larvae can remain in the pulwing.

Important! The second time is not recommended to wash the halves. Otherwise, useful enzymes can be cleaned, which will make the fruit soft.

  • Bone cores can give the original taste with baking or porridge. Therefore, do not throw them away, but remove them from the shell, dry and grind.
  • With incorrect preparation, fruits are dark during drying. To avoid this, put them in a colander and hide with boiling water. Then let's track water and proceed to dry.
  • Instead of boiling water, fruits can be treated with steam. This method of preparation apricot is most preferable. After processing, put the fruit on the kitchen towel and let it cool. Only then go to dry.

How to make kuraga in the oven

  • Since apricots are dried at a certain temperature, prepare the fruit of the same size. In this case, apricots will be cooked evenly. Or separate the halves of fruit size and settles them into different trays.
  • Before proceeding to the drying, the fruit must be allowed to dry off the excess fluid after rinsing. Otherwise, the moisture inside the apricot not be able to fully evaporate.
  • Boil water in a pot, open the lid. Put the fruit in small portions in a colander and hold over steam for several minutes. Then one layer Transfer the fruit on the towel or napkin and let them dry for about one hour.
  • Oven warm to 60 degrees, prepare baking. To avoid burning of dried apricots, Cover the baking sheet with parchment.
  • On top of the parchment paper lay apricot halves on the bottom skin in a single layer. Leave a small distance between the fruits to the pulp was heated on all sides by hot air.
  • Place the baking tray in the oven on the middle ground. If your equipment includes convection, then turn it on. When cooking the oven door must be kept ajar so that moisture was able to get out.
  • Usually for preparation of dried apricots enough 8 hours. But this time is increased if you have thick and large fruit.
  • The finished dish should have a smooth color with firm flesh, without darkening and dry crusts. Therefore, after 4 hour of cooking every 30 minutes reach for baking and inspect results. If necessary, the drying time can be reduced.

How to make dried apricots using Electric driers

Preparation of dried apricots in the oven very painstaking job that requires constant attention. Facilitate this process will help the modern kitchen appliances - Electric driers.

  • Before using the appliance, carefully read the instructions and methods of cooking in it. Although the drying process involves the same conditions, some models may differ and different power.
  • Fruit prepared in the same manner as in the drying oven. Before filling the bars need to reach and wipe the dust.
  • Fruits of flesh lay up. In this case, leave space between the apricots, so they do not stick together during cooking. Place the rack in the Electric driers.
  • The drying process is divided into stages. The first involves the gradual evaporation of moisture. To do this, set at 45 degrees and turn on the unit for 2 hours.
  • After the specified time, raise the temperature to 55 degrees and extend the drying for another 6 hours. At the final stage, set 45 degrees again and continue cooking for 1 hour.
  • After cooking, turn off the device and open the lid. Let the fruits cool down, then put them in a wooden container or a fabric package. Keep the kuragu in a container that can provide air flow.

How to make kuraga in a natural way

A more traditional way to prepare a dried fruit involves drying in a natural way. With it, moisture from the fetus evaporates in the sun. This technology assumes a more sparing effect on the pulp of apricot, but at the same time will require more time.

  • Prepared and exacerbated from water fruit spread into one layer on parchment or paper towel. Alternately strip apricot to the thread. At the same time, do not forget to make the distance between them for free air circulation.
  • Color billets in the sun. Dry fruit all day with sunny weather. At night, you should remove the Kuragu, then post again during the day. In this way, it is possible to prepare a drizzle in 10-14 days.

Make a kuraga in a home setting is very simple. To do this, follow the simple tips and recommendations specified in this article. Bon Appetit!

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