How to eat mango

How to eat mango

Juicy and fragrant fruit mango has long ceased in our country to be exotic. In most supermarkets, it can be found on the shelves. But many buyers still do not know how to eat this fruit. This article will indicate you on the features of the use and cleaning of mango.

How to eat mango - cleaning and cutting

  • Tropical fruit is grown in different countries, from this and many recipes for its preparation. Most often, mango is taken to eat in the raw form without additives. But for this you need to know how quickly and correctly clean the fruit.

Important! Although the mango housing is contained no less vitamins than in the pulp, it should not be used. Since the fruit is delivered from other countries, then for its preservation, carriers cover the skin of paraffin.

  • Before using the product, it should be thoroughly rinsed in warm water. Do not use detergents for this. Then lay out the fruit on the paper towel, and give extra liquid drain. Draw only dry fruits, otherwise the knife can slip with wet peel.

How to remove the peel with mango

  • Skin of ripe fruit is very gentle and remove it will not be difficult for you. You can use a knife. To do this, gradually cut off the peel acute part of the knife.

  • Or use the usual vegetable for this, which you brush potatoes. But at the same time do not press a lot on the fruit, otherwise you will take the pulp, and the juice follows.

  • If you have no kitchen appliances at hand, clean the fruit with your hands. But it is necessary to start with the thick of the mango, where its top is located.

  • Fit the skin and pull it along the fetus. Then in the same way to separate the peel from the pulp throughout the fruit.

Cutting cubes - 1 option

  • The most common way to cut mango is cubes in which you will not need to clean the peel. If the fruit is large, then they must be cut into three parts. Put the fruit on the cutting board and cut the third part of the pulp along with the skin.

  • Cut the central part of the fetus in the form of a ring and set it aside, as it is in it there is a bone.

  • First you need to handle the side slices of mango. Take one of them in hand, make a knife with a knife with a sharp piece of knife over the entire surface of the pulp. But at the same time, try not to hurt the peel.

  • Then cut mango along, as shown in the photo.

  • Now take the chopped part of the fruit in both hands and remove it out (press the peel towards the pulp).

  • You must have such cubes on the skin of mango.

  • You can cut them off with a knife.

  • Or remove with a spoon.

  • The remaining Circle of therapy Clean the peel and cut down how it will be convenient for you. But do not forget to crop the bone.

Cutting cubes - 2 options

  • Clean mango in any way. Position the fruit in one hand, take the knife into the second, and put the pulp along the fetus.

  • Then, in the same place, do shorts on mango width.

  • Place the knife in the center of the fetus, and cut the cubes of the pulp.

  • Cubes size You can adjust yourself by increasing or decreased distance between the cuts.

Cutting mango slices

If you do not fit the previous ways to cut the pulp of fruit, then use the following option. It turns out slices.

  • Fruit cut into two halves. Work on a cutting board so that the knife does not slip.

  • Each part is divided into slices. Draw a knife along the fetus.

  • Then remove the skin. Hold the fruit with one hand for the flesh, another cut off the mango peel.

  • Or just clean the fruit and cut it with slices.

Removing the pulp with the help of girlfriend

  • When the recipe requires only the flesh of the fruit, it can be removed from the skin in several ways. Prepare mango (wash and dry).

  • Then cut the fruit into several parts along.

  • Remove the flesh with a spoon.

  • Or with a glass. In the same way, you can use a mug, but put it vertically.

How to eat mango - smoothie

Healthy nutrition adherents like to include smoothies in their diet. This is a drink that is rich in vitamins and is prepared only from fresh products. You will need a blender for his cooking.

  • The mango is well combined with banana and any dairy products, such as yogurt, milk and cream. Cut the fruit into small pieces and put into the bowl. Top pour yogurt and sweat the mass at high speed.
  • In the summer you can add leaves of mint and ice. But his pieces should be small, so that you have a homogeneous mass. Use for smoothie any fruits and products that you like.

How to eat mango - milk cocktail with ice cream

For those who do not like a thick smoothie, there are recipes of a conventional cocktail with mango. Make it original to taste, adding ice cream. You can determine the amount of ingredients yourself depending on your preferences.

  • Mango Cut into cubes or remove a spoon with the peel. For this recipe, the shape of the pulp is not important, as it will be assed with other ingredients.

  • Add sugar to mango and stir so that the grains are evenly covered with fruit pieces.

  • With the help of the kitchen plot, give the pulp to a homogeneous consistency.

  • Place the mixture in the blender.

  • Add ice cream. Its quantity depends on the concentration of the cocktail. If you add ice cream too much, then the taste of mango will be less felt.

Advice. Although mango is a fruit with a bright taste, choose ice cream to cocktail without additives. It is best for the usual seal.

  • Then, to the mixture, pour milk or yogurt.

  • Carefully take a cocktail in a blender.

Serve a mango cocktail in high glasses or glasses for martini. Bon Appetit!

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