How to make a compote from Kizil?

How to make a compote from Kizil?

A very tasty drink compote from a pod and anyone who has tried it at least once will tell you about this. In addition to the fact that such a drink is very tasty, it is also healthy. Let's look at the recipes of the kizilovic compote.

Kizil compote

The drink under consideration has a rather tart and at the same time very brightly exposed taste, and in addition to an interesting taste, it has a lot of beneficial properties. If you decide to prepare the compote in question, then you will not only please your loved ones with a beautiful drink in the winter cold, but thereby increase the immunity of your loved ones, which means that it is useful and tasty, at the same time. Let's understand the recipes for the preparation of such a component in more detail.

To begin with, I would like to say that it is best to prepare according to proven recipes, the result of which has already been tested for years, then you can be sure that the compote from the dogwood will turn out to be really tasty and the product will not have to be poured. Among other things, it should be noted that the compote from Kizil is also drunk as a prophylactic for colds.

Before starting to consider the process of preparation, let's find out all its properties:

  • Derises toxins, which is an excellent agent after a violent alcohol party
  • Reduces acidity, so it is useful with increased acidity.
  • Heartburn will leave instantly if you drink 250 ml of kizili compote.
  • If you suffer from anemia or diabetes, then you just need to regularly consume kizyl compote.

Based on the above information, it is probably worth thinking that you always have a couple of proven recipes for making compote from Kizil, because it can be useful to everyone.

Features of compote from Kizil

To begin with, let's talk about what are the features of the drink in question:

  • After sucking, such a compote immediately becomes completely colorless and only after a few days, it will begin to acquire its constant color
  • It is necessary to cook the drink under consideration precisely with the bone (they do not need to be removed and removed, this is superfluous). Firstly, this process cannot be called simple, and secondly, it is the presence of a bone in compote that gives it a special taste and aroma that everyone will like.
  • Remember that Kizil's compote also has an expiration date. In this case, it is no more than one year.

Now that you know about the beneficial properties of the drink and about its features, you can proceed to direct cooking.

Proven recipe for kizil compote

In this case, we will consider the recipe by three -time filling. Among other things, the process in question will partly resemble preservation of cucumbers without sterilization.

So, all the ingredients that are useful to us for the preparation of one three -liter bottle of delicious Kizil compote:

  • Kizil - 2 cups of 250 ml (in this case, berries with a bone will be needed)
  • Sugar - 1 cup per 250ml (in this case, you can also use ordinary sugar)
  • Water - 2.5 l (it is best to use purified water, not running)

Preparation technology looks as follows:

  • First you need to sort well the berries that you have prepared for compote. There should be no twigs, sticks and other extra parts.
  • Rinse the jam is necessary under running water. In order for this process to be simplified. Pour the berries on a colander and rinse them. After that, it is necessary that all excess moisture of the glass is a prerequisite in this case.
  • While excess fluid will drain from Kizil, glass jars can be sterilized, but the covers will have to be boiled for them.
  • Now we pour our berries into the banks. Pour them with water, it must be boiling. In this state, we leave them for 25 minutes so that they insist a little.
  • Now the water from the can will need to be poured back into the container in which you boiled it for the first time. We put on the fire and boil again, after which we fill in the berries of Kizil and leave it, but now for 12-15 minutes.

  • Next we pour sugar into the jar. We mix everything well - pour the owl sucked water into the container and put on the stove to boil this liquid for the third and last time.
  • After the operations performed, we roll the banks and put it in a warm place, we wait for the banks to completely cool down and then send them for storage to a cool place.

Agree that everyone will be able to prepare such compote, especially if there is a detailed instructions for its preparation at hand.

Delicious recipe

Let’s now take a closer look at the recipe for the kizilovic compote, which is poured with sugar syrup. So, as always, first consider the ingredients you need for this process:

  • kizil - 2 kg
  • water - 15 liters
  • sugar - 3 kg

Everyone can prepare such a compote, this process is as follows:

  • Pour 2 kg of Kizil with water (regular running), and leave in this state for 25 minutes.
  • After that, wash the berries under the tap.
  • We lay the berries on the jars. This recipe is designed for the preparation of three boots per 3 liters, so that berries in each bank should be 1 \\ 4 part (about 450 g of Kizil).
  • We boil water in a deep container, most often a pan is chosen for these purposes.
  • Pour the berries in banks with boiling water and leave in this state for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that, it is necessary to cover the jars with lids in which holes were made in advance, through which we will pour water back into the pan for repeated boiling.
  • When the water boils, add sugar there, pick it out well and cook for several minutes.
  • Now we pour the syrup into banks and roll them up.

The compote is ready.

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