In the season of ripening berries, everyone is trying to nourish them. With a large harvest of the same currant, which is impossible to eat fresh, the hostesses make a blank from it. Having made jelly, welding jam, freezing it some part, you can think about the preparation of compotes. With the correct technology of their workpiece, the compote will remain useful, beautiful and delicious.
Currant for compote
- Compotes can be prepared from any currant: red, white, black. All of them are very rich in vitamins, especially with, and in winter will perfectly support the body's immunity.
- For compotes, choose only ripe berries, but completely integer. Even a few wild berries in the total mass will spoil the appearance of the drink.
- Compote can be prepared only from one type of berry or from their mixture. It is not worth only to make an independent workpiece of white currant. It will taste good, but here is the appearance of it completely unappletent, i.e. pale.
- White currants are best combined with red - they look like and taste and aroma.
- Black currant is a bit away from red and white, because it has a very strong aroma and dark intense color. Because of this, the compotes of assorted of all three types of berries, the taste will be felt only from the black currant. The color drink will also give only she.
- Before cooking compote, berries remove all twigs and dry cups. Berries rinse with cold water and dry on napkins.
Sugar for compotation
Any compote in the bank implies the presence of sugar in it. This applies to compotes from currant, because the berries in its composition have a lot of acid. Sugar take any, but only clean and without lumps. You can even purchase raffin and to relate it to it with sand. If, for example, the recipe says that it is necessary to take one glass of sand sugar, then first weigh this volume on the scales. Then ignore the same weight of the rafinada. Visually sugar in pieces will turn out more, and their weight will be the same.
Do not put a brown sugar in compote - this is an excessive waste of money. It possesses a little caramel flavor, which in fragrant compote from currant will not be felt completely. This sugar is good in desserts with a gentle taste and freshly cooked coffee.
Water for compotation
As for any other dish, water is taken only by a household filter cleaned. Water is suitable for drinking water, which is sold in pots or spring liquid, but only from a truly reliable source. Any water pre-give 5-6 hours, and then drain it without affecting the lower two centimeter layer.
Fragrant additives for compotation
Today, many mistresses began to add various fragrant herbs and spices into fruit and berry billets. This is mint, char, cherry leaf, lemon zest. If you want, you can also do this with reference to the compote from currant.
- Any flavoring contains compote in minimal quantity.
- On a 1 liter of water, you will need only a couple of mint leaves or one twig of the chaber.
- Fresh zest take in the amount of no more than 1 coffee spoons per liter of fill for compote. Cedra from lemon shoot with a long strip, and not not try it on the grater.
- Spices in no way leave in twisted jars with compote. With long-term storage in the liquid, they will acquire a grayish color, and compote will be a little bitty.
- If you want to additionally flavor compote the same mint, then put it in boiling water. Together with two or three minutes, and then remove the mint, and fill the berries in the jar. This Council applies to all other natural flavors.
Package for compote
- In which banks to prepare winter compotes, decide for yourself. For a small family, liter is suitable for three or four people - liters 2. On a large compotation family, preserve in three-liter banks.
- Cubs for compoters are pre-sterling over the ferry, in the oven or if they are small, in the oven. Before sterilizing the cans wash with hot water with soda.
- After sterilization, hot banks turn down the neck down on a clean towel and cover with another towel.
- Be sure to treat boiling water and covers. Put them in the bucket with clean water and boil 4-5 minutes with minimal boil. Cover hold in hot water and deliver them to kitchen tweezers in front of the registered cans.
Currant compote technology
With syrup
- Cook sugar syrup. For 1 liter of water, take from 15 to 20 teaspoons of sugar. Its quantity depends on how acidic is curraned. Syrup cook until the sugar in it is completely dissolved and then another 3 minutes.
- If you collect the aromatic leaflets, you will first boil them in the water, then delete and then add sugar.
- At the bottom of any bank, put so much currants so that it fill in a third volume.
- Berries pour boiling syrup.
- Cover the cans with covers and turn them upside down.
- Take the banks with a blanket and let it cool for 24 hours.
With sugar
- At the bottom of the banks pour sugar sand. Its quantity will calculate in such a way that one glass of the future sugar fluid accounted for four to five teaspoons. If you have taken a jar in one liter, then sugar place from 12 to 15 spoons. 250 ml of total, you will take currant berries.
- At sugar, lay out a glass of a glass of currant - this amount only applies to a liter bank. In a double-liter jar, pour 2 cup currant, three-liter - three.
- Carefully fill in a boiling water jar in which you may have risen the fragrant leaflets. If you did it, do not forget the spices from the water to remove.
- Cover the can with a hot lid and tighten it with a special key.
- Banks flip over and put blankets or pillows on them.
- After 24 hours, cooled compote transfer to a dark cool place.
Compote which you will be bought to cook for lunch in summer or in winter from freezing, cook in an enameled or stainless saucepan. By the number of berries and sugar, focus on the described recipes. Boiling compote should not be very stormy, and in time enough minutes 3. Next compote, retain from the plate and cover the pan with something or warm. Compote is imagined and will become very tasty.