How to cook buns with sugar?

How to cook buns with sugar?

Buns - from this word, the saliva will immediately flow and the aroma of freshly baked baking is felt. Despite the fact that many love sweet baking. Not every hostess is solved to cook them. In fact, there is nothing to fear - everything is simple and quick, the main thing is to follow a specific and correct recipe, in which exact proportions and the sequence of actions will be painted. So, how to cook fragrant, soft and sweet buns at home?

Heart muffins with sugar

If we wanted sweet baking, the first thing that we remember, there will be buns in the form of a heart. Sugar sprinkled, and it's not difficult to prepare at home. To begin with, we will understand all the components and their proportions.

In this case, we will prepare the dough on yeast, but you should not immediately be afraid of these active bacteria. Because exactly thanks to them, the dough will be very air, light and soft, that is, just ideal for sweet buns. Even the hostess, which has never grown up with the test, will be able to cope with the preparation of this uncomplicated, but very good dough.

In this case, the best option will be dried yeast. And remember. If you want to get really perfect baking, you need to follow the specified recipe right up to grams, because the replacement of components and variation in the amount of components may affect the final result. The recipes listed below are verified, therefore, you can not doubt their result.

For the preparation of 15 servings of delicious hearts with sugar, we need the following components:

  • 4 glasses of sifted flour
  • 2 teaspoons with a hill dry type yeast
  • Heated to the warm state of milk or water (in the case of intolerance to the first component) in the amount of one and a half
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar sand and still half a cup for sprinkling hearts
  • some salt (in this case, to taste, but not less than a teaspoon)
  • egg chicken for lubrication of the surface of sweet buns
  • Vegetable oil is a pair of tablespoons and some more oil for lubricating the baking sheet or another shape for baking bake

Yeast, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to take dry, but at the same time, they must necessarily be high-speed, and then breed, as usual, they do not have to be in the water, such a product is added immediately into flour.

The main advantage of such yeast is their excessive operational activity, thanks to which they can raise any, even the coolest dough. In addition, with such yeast, the dough will smell perfectly. But all these characteristics will only be inherent in the case of the acquisition of really good quality dry high-speed yeast.

Cooking stages:

  • Pour flour in the dishes, where the dough will prepare, after which the yeast is pouring there (how much will be indicated on the package). All the time you will need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients.
  • Add salt and sugar there, and again, mix.
  • We pour the milk preheated to the warm state (or water as an alternative) and immediately begin the test of the test.
  • We mix the dough for a long time, and so that it does not stick to the hands and the table, simply add a vegetable oil to the end stage and bring it to a logical completion.
  • After the dough is mixed, you need it, like any other yeast dough, leave for a while alone. We do not forget that the dough is not doughted, cover it with a lid or a towel, but in the case of fabric protection, the lid is more reliable. It is necessary to put the dough for raising in a warm place where there will be no draft.
  • Leaving the dough alone, after an hour it will be possible to observe its increase in the amount of two times, until the completion of the raising process, it is necessary to wait a half hour.
  • The dough is once again shaking after the expiration of the specified time, after which we leave for the 35 minutes still approach.

  • After the dough prepared, lay it on the kitchen surface, pre-blurred with a small amount of flour.
  • I wash it (as it was possible to notice, this process is regular), after that we roll the dough into a long and thick harness.
  • Cut the harness with pieces, and from pieces we make small bunches.
  • Roll over round swabs into oblong cakes, and quite thin.
  • Each rolled piece sprinkled with sugar, it is worth noting that it is quite abundant to give the baking of the amazing taste. You can also add cinnamon to sugar.
  • Watch the pellet with a roll so that the sweet filling is inside. Gently bend each rolls twice and make a small incision from above to give baking the shape of the heart. In the raw form of heart, they will not be quite beautiful and without particularly pronounced contours, all this will acquire meaning after they enter the oven and begin to increase in size.

  • The made incision must be slightly twisted, holding the ends quite tightly.
  • Put the babbling paper first, after which, we smear her surface with vegetable oil, only a small layer and lay out the mini cards from above, leaving the space between them, calculating them into a triple increase in their size.
  • We leave them in counter-10 minutes, after which we carefully lubricate the tops with sugar.
  • Heat the oven to 180-220 degrees and leave it in the oven to be baked for about 15-25 minutes. Depending on the selected temperature mode.
  • Let's get ready-made hearts with sugar from the oven, leave them cool, cover with a clean towel. After purchasing room temperature, you can proceed to eating sweet buns.

Many are very loved to eat baking immediately after its preparation. No one will argue with the fact that it is insanely tasty, but it is also worth thinking about the fact that hot bakery products are very poorly affected by the digestive system, and fall in the stomach sticky, a dense room, which is extremely difficult to digest the body, which is why it is worth waiting for another minutes 15-20 and only then enjoy delicious baking.

Consider another simple recipe for delicious buns.

Baking like mom


  • a glass of milk
  • 10 teaspoons of sugar
  • pressed yeast (pack 25 g)
  • vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
  • flour - 4start
  • salt to taste
  • for filling - jam, poppy, sugar, jam, etc.


  1. Dissolve sugar in heated milk
  2. Add yeast, mixing the mixture thoroughly to a homogeneous mass (we leave for 5-7 minutes)
  3. The sifted flour is added to the yeast mixture, we leave alone until the visible bubbles appeared on the surface.
  4. We whip the egg with salt and add to the flour mixture
  5. We knead the dough before it becomes elastic and dense
  6. Roll over it in any molds you like and add the selected stuffing into the chosen.
  7. We put in the oven for 15-20 minutes and treat delicious bunches of your guests and home.

The oven is simple, interesting and tasty, so do not be lazy and try the recipe.

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