How to cook dough for buns?

How to cook dough for buns?

Well, who does not love buns? In my opinion, this is a rhetorical question. Everyone is felt to eat, but cook - no. Many even the most courageous mistresses believe that it is not a grateful thing to mess around with the test, because often it simply does not work and all work, and the time spent on the dough - disappear.

In fact, not everything is so bad, as it may seem, because for the preparation of delicious buns you need all two components - an accurate recipe and the desire to follow the detailed instructions for cooking. Let's figure it out. How quickly and easily prepare the excellent dough for the lump.


Buns will oven on the usual test, the basis of which is acidic milk. Fuck here in moderation and buns are fluffy, soft and tasty. The desired components for the test:

  • Heated acidic milk - 300 g (can be replaced not too fat kefir in case of intolerance of acidic milk or absence)

  • Flour will need half aoline (mandatory flour must be asked, the final result of cooking will depend on this, that is, pomp and softness of the test)
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar powder
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 package of dry yeast (in this case, you can replace them with 25 g of living)
  • A pair of eggs (used for the type of test, only chicken eggs are needed). It will need an egg directly for the preparation of the test, the other - for lubricating almost ready-made buns.
  • 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil (it is better to choose refined or purified)
  • 60 g of butter (excellent option in this case will be home oil, it is fragrant). Do not forget also about the fact that the creamy oil will also need to smear the baking sheet in which our buns will prepare.
  • Bake buns in a preheated oven to 170 degrees, you will need only 40 minutes.


The cooking process will be described in details so as not to miss anything and tell each of the items of preparation:

  • First you need to warm a little sour milk. You can do it on both the stove and the microwave oven. It is easier, of course, the second option, because on the stove it is easy not to keep track of the milk and heat it overly.
  • Crouching in heated milk yeast, add a couple of tea spoons of powder, as well as 5 tablespoons of flour. Mix everything carefully, to a homogeneous mass.

  • We leave the resulting mixture for a while so that the yeast can, as it should be, is activated, we cover the lid from above. This will take fifteen minutes, and it is necessary to understand that you can work further with the test, you need to open the lid and see if there is an active "hat" or not.
  • When the yeast is activated, add the remaining sugar to the mixture, as well as vanillin, do not forget to add and pinch the salt. Pretty all mix and knock the egg there, as well as add one tablespoon of refined vegetable oil.
  • In a homogeneous ready mixture, we smell most of the flour, not forgetting it to pre-sift it. There is another option easier - immediately over the kitchenware, in which there are already yeast, flour, egg, etc., keep a shallow sieve and immediately sifted flour there.
  • We mix the dough, it should turn out sufficiently sticky, so as not to break it, does not flow and at the same time, held a lump.
  • Clean the butter to warm and add to the ready-made dough. Remember, the oil should not be too hot, all the more, boiling, it will be enough to melt it to a liquid state.

  • We start to mix the dough with your hands, carefully and gradually adding the remaining flour there. In the end, it should be very elastic, soft dough, which will no longer stick to the hands.
  • The cooked dough, it is necessary to put in the container and cover the lid. It is not recommended to cover the dough towel, because through the fabric, it still has time to dwell. Leave the dough must necessarily be in a warm place so that it rises well.
  • If you follow all the recommendations, then the time that will need the dough approached, will be no more than 35 minutes.
  • Ready-raised dough, you need to be thoroughly omitted. You can do it in both the bowl and the kitchen surface. We emballon a little flour on the table and lay the dough from above, roll off with a thin layer of a rolling pin and fold several times.
  • The dough folded several times, put it back into the dishes and cover first with a cellophane package, and then the lid, and leave it to appear for another 15-20 minutes.

  • After the dough rose well once again, we begin to divide it on 12 small balls. The method of division choose yourself.
  • You can roll every ball into the oblong cake, fold it in half and twist into the roll.
  • For sweet tooths, another moment - you can have every rolled cake, before turning, sprinkled with sugar, so that the buns in the result, turned out to be sweeter, here is already a matter of taste. Sugar buns will resemble puffwater products, will be the same light. Soft and tasty.
  • Who wants, can also add a little raisin in buns so that they are not completely empty.
  • The cooked dough can be attributed to universal intermediates, which can be used to prepare not only buns, but also pies, rolls and other baking, because in this dough everything is normal - and sugar, and drift.
  • Lubricate the baking oil, in this case, it is not necessary to regret the product. After that, you need to lay out future buns in the form.
  • We cover the baking sheet with buns of the food film, not too dense, cover with thin wind, you can with a towel, and leave for 20 minutes so that they have risen a little.
  • Lubricate the pitted eggs raised by the buns so that they come with a crust and were not at the same time, too risen.
  • We send to the oven for baking. A brave cabinet must be up to 170 degrees, approximate cooking time. As mentioned earlier - 40 minutes.

If you are worried that it is too much time for baking, or vice versa, it is not enough, just periodically check the boom readiness, for this it is necessary to take the usual toothpick and pierce the sdob. The finished bell is considered when after piercing the toothpick remains completely dry.


Preparation of yeast dough is carried out in several stages, as described earlier. This recipe can not be called simple, to the same, and the time spent on its preparation is not enough, because many times at different stages of the preparation, the dough is then raw buns, you need to leave in order to make the dough come.

Do not skimp on the ingredients, such savings will ultimately lead to the preparation is too viscous, heavy and tasteless, dry dough.

If you do everything as told in the recipe, you may not doubt that your buns will be turned out very tasty, soft and you want to prepare such a yummy again. In any case, not trying to do something, you will never know whether you are capable of or not.

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