How to cook peas

How to cook peas

Peas are not only a nutritional product, but also very useful. Many hostesses include it in the diet, prepare soups and cereals, salads, casseroles, and even puddings. To save the beneficial properties of the product, you need to cook it correctly. But the cooking process varies depending on the type and state of the bean plant.

How to cook peas - the principles of cooking

Prepare a delicious dish of pea possible, if you correctly use the features of fruits and cooking technology.

  • First, borrow legumes. Remove the garbage, torn grains with darkening and defects.
  • The principle of cooking dry, crushed, green and frozen pea is different. So dry fruits before cooking should be soaked in cool water. In this case, change it every 15-20 minutes. So the pea flour will wash off, the fruits will be crumbly, quickly boiled.
  • Whole peas is soaked for 5 hours, and crushed at 2. Green fruits do not require pretreatment, they immediately throw into boiling water.
  • The grains are washed, poured cool water. Bring to a boil, boil depending on the variety and the state of the fruit.
  • You can avoid long-lasting soaking, if you use multicooker for cooking.
  • It is necessary to salt peas only before removing from the fire so that salt excessively does not uptat it, which will slow down the cook.

How to cook dried peas

Most often on store shelves, you can find round fruits in the dried state. The outer layer of pea during cooking will be peeling, remove which can be filtering through the sieve.

  • After soaking, rinse the fruits well under running water and only cold.
  • Fill peas with fresh water at the rate of: 1 cup of legumes and three parts of the liquid.
  • Install the saucepan on the fire and bring to water boiling.
  • During boiling, foam will be formed. Remove it by noise.
  • After boiling liquid, reduce the fire and cook before the softness of the pea.
  • After half an hour, try the fruits for readiness.
  • When grains are prepared, salted (1/4 hours l. On 1 tbsp. Grains).
  • Whole peas after cooking needs polling and wiping. So the outer shell will not spoil the taste.
  • Then add the creamy oil and use as a side dish.

How to cook crushed peas

  • Such fruits differ from the overall shell. They are cut into two parts, which are ground. It is much easier to prepare it than round grains. The cooking time is shrinking twice.
  • The amount of water also decreases. Calculate it simply: to each glass of grains add two glasses of liquid and only cold.
  • But the vegetable oil must be added not after cooking, but during water boiling.
  • Prepare fruits about 30 minutes. If necessary, add only hot water so that the lower row of legumes is not burned.
  • The finished product does not need additional washing. Liquid drain, use in this form.

How to cook green peas

  • Green fruits are especially valuable and perfectly suitable as a side dish. He is adored by many mistresses, because it does not require any processing, and also quickly brewed.
  • The main feature of the preparation of a fresh product is added to boiling water, and not poured with cold water.
  • The fruits are cooking very quickly, so it is necessary to try it on cooking after five minutes after re-boiling water.
  • A sugar spoon will preserve the color of the fetal shell, and the mint twig will give a freshness of freshness.
  • In order not to digest and save the green peas, carefully follow the cooking process.
  • Remove the saucepan from the fire, wash the fruits in cool water, leak on the sieve.
  • Frozen product is cooked in the same way as green. It does not need defrost. But add beans in small portions so that the cooking process does not stop. Light increase cooking time.

How to cook peas - Important Tips

  • If the outer part of the grains got helped, and the center is still raw, then add salt. She will slow down the cooking, which will lead the fruits until readiness in the middle.
  • To achieve a gauge puree, add a little soda during the cooking pea. But you should not use it a lot, the final taste of the dish can change.
  • Be sure to change the water when soaking and leave it overnight. Otherwise, the fruits will scatter, which will lead to a long cooking and spoiled taste.
  • Cooked green peas needs to immediately lower in cold water. So you stop its robble. Store the cooked product in the refrigerator, and before serving, tapping it with butter.
  • Put peas only in cool water. Hot liquid will destroy the protein that will come, and this will increase the cooking time.
  • Prepare fruits in the water where they are soaked, it is impossible. It is necessary to rinse them, otherwise the dish will not be tasty.
  • During cooking water can throw out. Add only boiling water, cold will contribute to a quick cooking of the outer side of the pea, and the core will remain raw.

The correct technology of pea cooking will allow not only to preserve the beneficial components of the fruit, but also make a dish. Bon Appetit!

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