How to treat external hemorrhoids

How to treat external hemorrhoids

The appearance of the seals and components in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anus indicates the appearance of an external hemorrhoid. Statistics show that 70% of the population have hemorrhoids in one form or another, so the problem of the treatment of this disease is so urgent. In this article, let's talk about the external hemorrhoids and its treatment.

clinical picture

Hemorrhoids called blood flow disturbance, which occurs at the site of veins located in the anus area. Such a "malfunction", leads to a stretching and compaction (nodes) of the walls of the veins. During the progression of the disease, the resulting nodes inflamed and fall. Based on the localization of the seals, drop nodes can:

  • from the anus;
  • inside (the lumen) of the large intestine.

For external hemorrhoids hallmark hemorrhoids becomes formation in the blood vascular plexus, located around the sphincter. In the period of acute they become inflamed, bringing the discomfort and pain. When remission seals can not in any way about themselves and do not bother to remind a patient.

Treatment external hemorrhoids oral means

Treatment of hemorrhoids is needed regardless of its type and state. One way to treat this pathology is pills. For the main group of medicines, the effect of which is to eliminate the problems are:

  • Detraleks - is venoprotektornoe and venotonic agent which improves the condition of the vessel walls, reduces venous stasis. Capsules job of minimizing the manifestation of symptoms of external hemorrhoids. The same effects have cheaper analogues Venarus, Venodiol.
  • Ginkorfort used in exacerbations. Reduces inflammation, improves microcirculation and acts as prevention of the formation of new seals.
  • Pilex. Plant-based tablets that have healing, anti-edema, anti-inflammatory effect. Appointed both in exacerbation and during the remission of the disease.

Hemorrhoid treatment with creams and ointments

Ointments and creams have a direct impact on the dropped part of the hemorrhoidal node, which favorably affects all the treatment. Popular ointments include:

  • Crocused. Ointment possess anesthetic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect and is prescribed with all types of hemorrhoids.
  • Hepatrombin G.. Produced in the form of cream and gel. Removes swelling, improves cell regeneration, prevents the formation of possible thrombus.
  • Heparinovaya ointment. Aims to combat thrombosis in veins. The tool removes inflammation, reducing the symptoms of the disease.

Candles from hemorrhoids

Candles are considered the most effective way to treat hemorrhoids, as the locally struggling with an unpleasant problem. Proctologists in most cases recommend using the following suppositories:

  • Relief. Popular tool based on acule liver oil. Suppositories have a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. Candles reduce itching and burning, remove swelling.
  • Anusol. The tool has anesthetic effect. Also dries and facilitates the state if there are cracks in the rear pass.
  • Proktozan. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-face effect. Perfectly copes with the task of anesthesia and normalization of the veins in the pelvic region.

Hemorrhoids treatment tips

Hemorrhoid treatment, this is a long and not very pleasant process that can facilitate the following tips:

  1. With inflammation of the hemorrhoidal node, ice candles will help reduce pain. They are prepared from pure water or medicinal beam. The liquid is poured into the little finger of the medical glove and frozen. Such a candle is introduced into the rear pass, where they are kept until its complete dissolution.
  2. If you are worried about the outer hemorrhoids, then instead of using toilet paper, resort to the toilet after visiting the toilet.
  3. With sedentary work, do not forget to get up and crawled every 40-50 minutes. Also, it will be useful to use a soft pillow that needs to be substituted under the buttocks during the seat.
  4. During the night sleep, give preference to the pose on the stomach, and substituting the pillow under the pillow, you can reduce swelling in the anus area.

If the hemorrhoids are familiar with you, select the right comprehensive treatment, and the above-described tips will help get rid of this problem for a long period.

Comments leave a comment
Larisa 15/07/2020 at 13:46.

To the treatment of hemorrhoids itself will not prevent add funds against unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching and painful emptying. Along with anal candles and ointments took a light laxative fibrax. It makes it easier to visit the toilet and eliminates the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

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