How to get rid of acne on the nose

How to get rid of acne on the nose

Angry rash can develop at any age and with any skin type: even dry and dehydrated skin has the risk of pimples and black dots. The main zones affected by rash will, so-called, T-zones: nose, forehead, chin. Acne is often accompanied by black dots, as they are the very beginning of the nucleation of the pimple: pores are clogged with mud and fat deposits, are inflamed and turn from a black point into a large red pimple. It's not so difficult to get rid of them, but as comprehensively approach the problem to remove absolutely all acne on the nose, and not many know the pores. Try on yourself a number of effective tips described below.

How to get rid of acne on the nose: black mask

This marketing nonsense won the trust of thousands of girls around the world. Buying a black mask on different trading platforms, people recorded and filmed a huge amount of video, and some craftsmen learned to do this creation independently. The essence of the mask is deeply cleaning thanks to its stickiness. Please note that it cannot be used on small wounds and abrasions, as well as irritated pimples.

  • Take one tablespoon gelatin.
  • The same amount of hot water.
  • Return 5-6 Activated Coal Tablets in Dust.
  • Mix all the components with each other.

You need a thick consistency in moderation so that it was comfortable to apply on the face. Do not fall on your eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as hairs on the forehead, otherwise you just pull them out. Wait until the mask dries and remove it with a large film of the film. It is recommended to pre-split the skin, however, if you have thin and sensitive skin - give up this.

How to get rid of acne on the nose: brazers

Washing against anti-inflammatory decoction can improve the general view of the skin, as well as quickly heal the existing acne. The main thing is to do it regularly at least twice a day. Prepare chamomile decoction:

  • Three tablespoons of chamomile flowers pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Wait two hours until the decoction insisters.
  • Cool it to a comfortable temperature.

Use it as the final stage of your wash. After that, blot your face with a towel and do not apply for about 10-15 minutes. Mint, Hypericum and Parsley, also helpful. Try to combine herbs to get the maximum effect.

How to get rid of acne on the nose: Aloe

The plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which can be used both in masks and in any other cosmetic procedures. You can cut off a small aloe stem and simply smear its contents on the nose, or add drops into a mask, decoction and lotion. Try making oat scrub with scrub:

  • Oatmeal flakes need to be crushed into a mortar, blender. You can put oatmeal into the bag and grind it with a rolling pin.
  • To four spoons of oat flakes, add two spoons of the aloe juice.
  • Mix to uniformity if the mixture seems to you dry, then add milk.
  • Apply a scrub on your face and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Then with soft movements massage the face.

Wash the scrub with warm water and apply a moisturizing cream, as the skin is irritated after the procedure.

How to get rid of acne on the nose fast

If you urgently needed to bring your nose in order, such recipes will help you:

  • Apply toothpaste on the nose and put the food film. Walk so you can an hour.
  • Apply point-to-salycyl acid at spill places.
  • Tetracycline ointment is able to remove inflammation per day.
  • Sweep the pimple by pharmaceutical means.

It should be borne in mind that some pharmacy means, such as zinyritis, act very aggressively on the skin. Apply it locally on pimples, but not on all skin.

Do not forget about home care. In your arsenal, there must be a lotion after washing, a foam or gel and day cream. Even the problem skin with acne requires moisture, and often its absence and leads to acne.

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Tanya 04/29/2019 at 13:27

From acne helps masks films and patches of serangements. They purify the pores, do not drown the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

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