How to get rid of acne per night

How to get rid of acne per night

If a pimple appeared at the most inopportune moment on his face, he can spoil you an important meeting or a date. Fix it, and eliminate the enemy you can only in one night, if you choose the means rightly. Learn in advance whether you have the intolerance of any means, or allergies, otherwise you will be waging in the morning without a pcs, but with a great ethoy. Do not forget about the prevention of inflammation and acne on other days, as well as high-quality moistening of the epidermis. Performing simple hygiene procedures, you will lose yourself sudden rash, but if they still appear, refer to the ways below.

How to get rid of acne per night with a toothpaste

Many famous grandmother's method. Toothpaste contains antibacterial components, and also dry the skin, which contributes to rapid pimple healing. Try to make such actions for the night:

  • An hour before sleep, apply toothpaste into the place of inflammation.
  • As soon as she is completely dried, remove it and apply a new one.
  • Clay the plaster and leave overnight.

Immediately it is worth considering that the toothpaste works only when it is liquid. As soon as the composition dries down - the meaning in it disappears. Therefore, choose plasters with a film surface, or put a small piece of food to it.

In the morning, remove the plaster and work well, be sure to moisten the place where the toothpaste lay.

How to get rid of acne tetracycline ointment

This ointment goes almost always, despite the fact that it is intended for the eye. Its component is able to quickly heal wounds, bruises, abrasions and even acne. Apply a means to the affected place and leave as much as you can. Please note that the ointment has a yellowish color that can stay on bedding, so to put the towel under the face, or use dark colors of pillowcase.
If possible, update the composition on the acume.

How to get rid of acne per night: Salicylic Acid

Two and three-percent salicylic acid is sold in pharmacies, it is also contained in the "Battleships", which often produce pharmacies themselves. It helps and in its pure form, and in the mixtures. This acid is a rather aggressive tool: apply it to the pimple and the area around it, but do not rub her face, it will only provoke the production of subcutaneous bass and burst the pores.

So that the acid remains to act longer, wet it a small piece of bandage with a size of one centimeter from all sides and put it under the plaster.
Be sure to desire the composition in the morning.

How to get rid of acne per night: lemon and tea tree oil

This method is suitable only to girls with light skin, otherwise you will find on your face a white spot in the morning, as the lemon strongly illuminates the skin.

  • Mix lemon and tea tree oil in equal proportions.
  • Apply twice: an hour before sleep and immediately in front of it.
  • In order not to lubricate the composition at night, swipe it.

In the morning, your pimple melts and only a little spot will remain from it.

How to get rid of acne per night with aspirin

Effective, but little-known way. One pimple should take two tablets of ordinary aspirin and clean water.

  • Dindle the tablets into the mortar or a spoon in a plate to the state of dust.
  • Add a couple of water drops to make a paste.

This paste must be applied to the inflamed place with a thick layer, not regretting the composition. Of course, it also needs to be stuck in order not to erase about the pillow at night. Optionally, you can use the tea tree oil instead of water, but such a tool will become more aggressive.

You can combine these ways, applying one of them in the evening, and the other at night. Do not abuse these compositions and do not use as a common agent of acne. These measures are just an emergency for point application. Your daily care is made up of gentle products containing moisturizing components.

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