How to clean like

How to clean like

Forests are good in fried and pickled. With them, a very tasty soup is obtained, especially if dried mushrooms. As you need to correctly clean, to continue to get ready - about it and this will be discussed in the article.

General rules for cleaning

  • Mushrooms beat and remove the broken and worm.
  • Cut a sharp knife the lowest parts of the legs where the remnants of the earth and sand can be.
  • Wood, in the distinguisure of some other mushrooms, do not have a mucous film with a hat. So it is not necessary to shoot it, which greatly simplifies the case.

If the forest mushrooms are a lot, then you can take only their caps to not clean the legs in the future.

How to clean my way for further canning

Some species are on the leg there is a so-called skirt - in the brine, it turns and does not look very aesthetic. Since pickled mushrooms are served as a snack, and it must be beautiful, then it is better to remove the skirt with a thin knife. And of course, in front of marinating mushrooms well wash in running water.

How to clean my lip for further frying

For frying, finish, as specified in paragraph 1 of this article. You can not delete the skirt, because with frying it will dry and it will not be visible.

How to clean my haughty for further cooking in the soup

Cleaning themselves for soup depends on what dish the hostess will be prepared. For a soup-puree, it is not worth removing the skirt, because the mushrooms will take a blender and turn into a homogeneous mass. For a transparent soup, so that it is beautiful, you can remove the skirt and remove.

How to clean the following drying

Dried whales have a saturated taste and aroma and good in any dishes. Mushrooms before drying so:

  • Bear from garbage.
  • Cut the lower parts of the legs.
  • Remove skirts.
  • Soft brush remove dust and sand with caps.
  • Clean dry woven on the threads (use a long needle) and hang them into a warm-ventilated place for drying.
  • Before cooking dry, silence in cold water - the remaining sand will go with them.

To clean my way, they need to be collected in the forest before it. Where they grow and what they look, look in the video clip.

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