How to quickly clean the oil

How to quickly clean the oil

Oil - satisfying and delicious mushrooms growing near young pines. Some hostesses are not removed from the heads of oil and spoil the product. A stomach disorder will appear from the crude oil, because the skin absorbs all pollution from the atmosphere and smells. The process of cleaning oil is long and tedious. Hands become black and poorly laundered. We will tell how to speed this unpleasant job.

Quickly clean the oil in the forest

Protect yourself from annoying work at home and clean the butter right in the forest. Cut the mushroom and immediately free it from the film with a knife or find a place to relax and do it to clean. You will bring home cleaned butter, and spend more time in the fresh air, and not in the kitchen. Try to remove sticky skirt in the following way in nature:

  • clean the masolan with garbage;
  • cut the mushroom vertically to the skins into two parts;
  • divide the halves on different sides of half and pull the sticky film quickly. She will be completely completely.

You can just pick up the edge of the film with a knife and carefully remove it. Clean the oils in nature only in dry weather. With wet mushrooms, you quickly slipch do not remove, they need to be dried.

Quickly clean the oil with boiling water

Preparation for rapid cleaning using boiling water is carried out in two ways:

  • the first method. Pour into the deep pan of the average size of water and wait for the boil. Put the hats down the hats down into the boiling water on half a minute and fold into the cooked vessel. After this procedure, you quickly remove the sticky skirt with mushrooms;
  • the method of the second. Pour water into the pan and wait for the boil. Dry mushrooms lay out in a colander. Hold the mushrooms over boiling water in the colander half a minute. Do not lower them in the water! The film will be removed with a knife easily and quickly.

Quickly clean the oil - drying in the sun

Sweep your good fungi, and you will remove the film without difficulty. Put them on a baking sheet or on a wooden board. Mushrooms should not be very touching with each other. Place the baking sheet on the sun for one hour. In the shade, the time of drying increases for an hour. After the time expires, begin to clean the mushrooms, fashioning the skin with a knife. After removing the skin immediately proceed to cook mushrooms.

Quickly clean the oil - other interesting ways

Folk wisdom offers interesting recipes for quick release of mushrooms from sticky skins:

  • clean the masolan with garbage. Hat tightly press in a piece of gauze. Pick up the sticky film on the head of the edge and pull for the gauze - the film is torn;
  • water the knife for cleaning mushrooms with sunflower oil. Put the cloth near yourself, which you will wipe the knife if it dries. Start a knife to clean the film. Mushrooms do not stick to the hands, and you quickly clean them. Oil will not give to appear and dark raid on his hands. Wipe with a cloth with butter not only a knife, but also hands.

Useful advice

To cleanse the hands from the mushroom laid, use a solution of citric acid or vinegar. Moisten the palm of the liquid and sweete the pumice or rigid brush.

Purified mushrooms Put for 20 minutes to squeeze water. If there are worms inside the mushroom - they will immediately pop up. Do not soak the oils in the water before cleaning - the film on the hats will swell and it will be difficult to separate it.

Do not wash the oil before processing! Sticky hats will begin to stick to the hands, and the cleaning process will be long. Do not forget to clean the feet of the mushroom from pollution and inspect the place under the hat.

Tedious to clean oil cleaning. Attract home all the family and joint efforts you quickly cope with the gifts of nature. The above methods will help you reduce the time for processing oils, and you will provide native delicious and nutritional mushroom billets for the winter.

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