What is lactose

What is lactose

For the proper functioning of the processes in the body you need a biistico. With their help, a person gets energy, is saturated with useful components and gains an opportunity to confront the stress of the modern world. One of these substances is lactose.

Lactose and its biological purpose

Lactose is a type of carbohydrate, which is a compound with hydroxyl and carboxyl groups. The component refers to disaccharides, which means that two substances - glucose and galactose appear as a result of hydrolysis.

Externally, lactose is a white powder without any odor, which dissolves in water, but poorly enters the reaction with alcohols. Everyone knows that lactose is present in milk. And indeed, this product contains 6% lactose. But not always lactose is safely processed by the body. Sometimes it brings only harm and a person has to avoid dairy products.

Specialists persistently argue about whether lactose benefits or, on the contrary, is useless for the body. It was proved that an adult organism will cope with it more difficult, but in this case lactose has a beneficial effect. It makes saliva viscous, helps the best suction of the vitamins of the group B, calcium and ascorbic acid. When this substance enters the intestines, it helps the development of bifidobacteria, which are necessary for the formation of useful microflora and digestion.

Lactose properties: pros and cons

Lactose has a dual impact on the body. Therefore, it is important to allocate its positive and negative properties.

To the positive features include:

  1. The possibility of obtaining additional energy. Lactose as a representative of carbohydrates, accumulates protein in the body, saturates it with energy components.
  2. Weight set. For greater half of humanity, this feature seems more negative than positive. But in the case when you need to gain weight, lactose is the perfect option.
  3. Positive effect on digestion. The saturation of the body lactose leads to the appearance of useful bacteria that normalize metabolism.

Negative effect manifests itself as:

  1. The appearance of diarrhea. Sometimes it can lead to dehydration, so you need to immediately take action.
  2. Elevated meteorism and stomach pain. These symptoms meet often with other diseases, therefore, it is difficult to identify that the cause of lactose intolerance is difficult.
  3. Nausea. It can appeal clearly and decrease with time. But always when you get into the body of lactose, this feature will make it clear that there is an imbalance.

More accurate to identify incompatibility with lactose a variety of laboratory tests will help. If still such a diagnosis will be supplied, it is not a reason to put the taboo on dairy products. With the help of special drugs, you can normalize your well-being and get vitamins and trace elements that are inherent in milk.

The main causes of incompatibility with lactose

There are several reasons why the body opposes this component. It may be congenital quality. In infancy, such a problem may adversely affect the health of the child. Because of her, the baby can not be used dairy mixes and mother's milk. In such cases, special misfortural mixtures are used.

The cause of lactose intolerance may be serious intestinal diseases and small intestines. Genetic failures can also affect the emergence of this problem.

In addition to lactase intolerance, there is lactase insufficiency. It manifests itself with less symptoms and is sometimes not distinguishable.

There are three types of lactose intolerance:

  1. The first type appears as a result of age-related changes.
  2. The second type appears as a result of injuries and diseases of varying severity.
  3. The third is temporary. Most often he is inherent in babies born ahead of time.

Lactose-containing products

This include not only milk and its modifications. Some products on this list appeared unexpectedly and once would have caused suspicion about the content of this saccharide in them.

Lactose is also in:

  1. Bread and baking.
  2. Breakfast mixtures.
  3. Dry soups.
  4. Margarine.
  5. Muesls.
  6. Instant coffee.

A little bit of this component is also contained in treated meat and alcohol. In order not to harm your body, you need to know the list of these products and avoid the meeting with them if it costs the sharp need.

In addition to food intake, lactose is actively involved in the chemical sphere and microbiology. It serves as a feed vitamin when growing an animal livestock.

About the ratio of benefit and harm lactose every trip from its subjective side. If you compare the aggregate positive and negative features, there will be much more advantages. Individual intolerance - not a reason to silent about the beneficial effect of lactose on the human body.

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