What can be made from grapes?

What can be made from grapes?

If you care for grape bushes right from the very first year of life, then literally after a few years, the vines will begin to give a huge harvest of berries. Favoring them fresh, honesting all friends and acquaintances, the gardener - a lover begins to think about what to do with the residues of the crop. We will tell you - to harvest grapes for the winter. It turns out that it can be cooked with many delicious canned food. Well, in everyday nutrition, grapes are accurately useful to you - it is perfectly combined with various products.

What to do from grapes for the winter?

Homemade raisins

For him, the varieties of bones are best suited, which belong to the Kishmish group. It may be: Kesha, rays, Zaporizhia, Kenadis, Himrod, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune.

  1. Fully overwhelmed clusters on one one for a couple of seconds in boiling water. Wet clusters put on any fabric so that all moisture leaves them.
  2. Carefully remove the grapes with the ridges (the so-called twigs that berries are attached.).
  3. Berries decompose into one layer or on the lattice of the electric dryer, or on large sheets covered with parchment.
  4. Dry grapes in the electric grid, observing the accompanying instructions. If you have no dryers, then remove sheets with berries in the sun and dry them under gauze, which will protect the workpiece from the flies. Drying grapes can take from three to seven days depending on the juiciness and magnitude of the berries.
  5. Ready home Raisins Store in a cool place in paper bags.

Grape juice

Any grape variety with a pronounced taste and aroma is suitable for juice. Cabernet and Lydia are considered the best.

  1. Take off the ridge all berries. Before this, the clusters are well wooered under running water.
  2. Put the berries in a wide pelvis and with the help of a wooden pestle for potato puree distribute them. All grapes must burst the skin.
  3. Tase with crushed berries Send to a slow fire and the contents of 15 minutes. During this time, a lot of juice will be separated from crushed berries.
  4. Put three layers of gauze on a large colander and skip all the contents of the pelvis through it. Coland to install on a large saucepan. So that juice from berries happens as much more, adjust them on the gauze with clean hands.
  5. Grape juice collected in a saucepan immediately bully over sterile banks or a bottle of one liter.
  6. Banks set in a saucepan or a tank with water so that it takes to the cans of cans. Water in a saucepan should be approximately the same temperature as pressed juice. Bottles or other containers with juice Cover the washed in hot water with soda lids.
  7. Bring the water in the tank with boiling banks and sterilize the workpiece for 50 minutes from the moment of water boiling.
  8. With the help of special forceps, get the boiling water banks and cover them with covers.
  9. After complete cooling, move the juice into the cool place.

Compote from grapes

Excellent winter blank, which will replace the store sweet drinks.

  1. Prepared three-liter banks fill half the berries of grapes. Fill them with boiling water and let it stand under the covers for 1 hour.
  2. Drain all the water from the cans in the pan and put sugar into it. For each liter of this water sugar, put from 8 to 12 teaspoons. The amount of sugar depends on the sweetness of ripe grapes.
  3. Bring the syrup to the boil and pour them the berries in the banks. At the same time, in each bank, put some citric acid. Its quantity to the eye: with a match head.
  4. Cover the jars with hot lids. Cover hold in a waters with water that stands on the fire.
  5. We cover banks or pillows and allow compote to cool under them within 24 hours.

Grape jam

If you have never prepared this delicacy, then be sure to weld the fragrant jam. A recipe came up in Georgia and all who happen in this country, a sweet dessert is being brought home.

  1. Choose the largest berries with rather thick skin. Wash them and dry on the towel. Berries you need 1 kg.
  2. Cook syrup from 1 kg of sugar, 200 ml of water and two tablespoons of lemon juice. With syrup, be sure to remove the white foam.
  3. Lower the berries in hot syrup and keep them without a boiling of 50 minutes.
  4. Put a bowl with berries in the syrup on a slow fire and boil until grapes start slightly wrinkled.
  5. A couple of minutes before the end of the cooking, put in the jam on the tip of Vanilina knife.
  6. Hot jam bully over jars and close the lids.

Meat dishes sauce

Homemade grape sauce will give an exquisite taste to any meat.

  1. 2 kg of dark grape berries Grind together with bones in a blender.
  2. Mass shift into the pan and boil on the minimum power plate for 20 minutes. A minute before the end of the cooking, pour 500 ml of light wine vinegar.
  3. Give the contents of the pan completely cool, and then overtake through the metal sieve to remove the bones and the skins.
  4. Add 2 glasses of sugar, 1 teaspoon of dry ground ginger, floor of a teaspoon of ground pepper, a pinch of chopped cloves, 3 missed via a garlic clove press, half a small pod of burning pepper, and very small.
  5. Bring the sauce to boil and boil 30 minutes.
  6. Spread into hot sterile jars and immediately encourage the same hot sterile lids.
  7. After cooling, transfer the workpiece into the cold.

Churchhell of grape juice

A treat, which in the coolness is stored for quite a long time and which completely replaces stores of sweets.

  1. 700 g of walnut cores are disturbed by large slices. Slightly fry them in a pan and cool.
  2. Take the thick of the threads and cut them with a length of 60 cm. With the help of a needle tightly put on the threads pieces of nuts. You have to settle down on thirty centimeters in the middle. The upper twentiethisantimeter end you will need to hang churchhell on drying - make a loop on it. The bottom end of the threads cause a dense node directly near the last piece of nut - the remains of the thread cut the scissors.
  3. Prepare a place to hang Churchhell. It may be a kitchen railing with hooks, under which to put a piece of film.
  4. Three liters of grape juice boil and boil 10 minutes. Pour one liter of juice and give it to cool. The two remaining liters at this time boil on the very minimum fire.
  5. In the cooled liter of juice, enter 750 g of wheat and 250 g of corn flour. Mass stir up a whisk to homogeneity.
  6. In boiling two liters of juice with a thin flower, pour a lot of juice and flour. In this case, all the contents of the pan constantly stir. You get a very thick jelly which simmer another 20 minutes. That it is not burnt to the bottom of the pan, stir it a wooden spatula.
  7. Set aside pudding from heat and immerse one in it all the threads strung on them nuts. Threads hold hands for the part for which will then suspend churchhellu.
  8. Allow to drain off excess churhlenny Kiselyov and again dip into the hot pudding each. So do as long as the nuts is formed rather thick layer of dough.
  9. Hang churchhellu first in the kitchen, and one day carried her into the cool, for example, on the balcony. There secure it to the tight rope.
  10. Churchhellu dry in the cold for about 14 days. Willingness to determine on what layer of grape jelly will be very resilient and will not stick to hands.
  11. Keep treats in a cool place, wrapped in paper.

What to make of the grapes on the table everyday?

Options to apply a myriad of grape:

  • Normal fruit compote, in which the grapes can be combined with any other berries and fruits.
  • Jelly grape juice. Do it by following the instructions on the pack with gelatin.
  • The addition of various holiday salads, especially with boiled beef. In this case, take the grapes seedless.
  • Fresh spicy sauce for grilled meat. Sauce prepare the prescription as described above.
  • The decoration on the homemade cake. Combine grapes with other seasonal berries.
  • Fruit salad with whipped cream. Use very large grapes, which is cut into two pieces to remove the seeds.

In this video you will see how you can marinate the grapes for the winter in the banks. The preform is then useful to impart savory taste meat salads, feeding it as spicy snacks to alcohol or in addition to baked meat.

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