Vitamin B12 - for what?

Vitamin B12 - for what?

The lack of various vitamins and mineral elements often leads to one way or another violations of health. An important role in the adjustment of many vital processes in the human body is played by such a representative of the B or B12 vitamins. It is his shortage that is often manifested in the form of depression, depression, worsening memory and even pain in the heart. What functions are assigned to this element and how in sufficient quantity to saturate the body?

Properties of vitamin B12 - Why do this item need?

Vitamin B12 (or Kobalamin) is a representative of water-soluble vitamins and the only one among them, capable of accumulating in the cells of the body. The useful element accumulate liver fabrics, kidneys, spleen, as well as lungs. Kobalamine is resistant to heat treatment, but does not withstand the effects of acids, alkalis, water, alcohol, estrogen (contraceptive drugs) and drugs with a hypnotic effect.

Vitamin B12:

  • Plays an important role in splitting proteins, prevents the development of obesity. Improves metabolism in gastrointestinal bodies.
  • Participates in the transformation of carbohydrates in glucose - the source of the body's energy. That is why people who have an insufficient amount of vitamin B12, often complain about the lack of forces, chronic fatigue.
  • It is an integral participant in the synthesis of DNA, the production of leukocytes, erythrocytes and a number of other blood cells. A sufficient content of vitamin B12 is a good prevention of anemia.
  • Beneficially affects the work of the brain, preventing the emergence of such states as depression, insomnia. Especially acute shortage of cobalamin can be felt during the period of stress, increased mental loads.
  • Humocysteine \u200b\u200bamino acid level lowers (but it is precisely it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke), cholesterol content.
  • Supports the health of the nervous system, is an important component of the successful flow of cognitive processes.
  • Prevents the development of neurological and psychological disorders, including Alzheimer's disease.
  • We are necessary for the formation of Osteoblasts - the bases of bone tissue.
  • Gives the health of skin cells, hair and nails. In the presence of such skin diseases as an eczema, the psoriasis will be effective to external application of vitamin on the lesion sites.
  • It is extremely necessary for future mothers. The interaction of B12 and folic acid significantly reduces the risk of congenital maternity pathologies.

Symptoms of lack of vitamin B12

To suspect the lack of kobalamina in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness, noise in the ears (the most common signs of anemia).
  • Tingling in the limbs, sensations of "goosebumps".
  • Worsening hair condition.
  • Irritability, reducing memory, ability to concentrate attention.
  • Pallor of skin, weakness, shortness of breath.
  • Beating heartbeat.
  • Reducing appetite, digestion disorders in the form of nausea, diarrhea, painful spasms.
  • Pain in muscles, feeling of numbness.

Natural sources of kobalamina

One of the main features of this vitamin is the absence of its synthesis in living organisms. That. When using one or another vegetable or animal food, the human body receives exactly the volume of vitamin B12, which plant or animal has managed to save. "Give" a vital element is capable of:

  • Beef liver, kidney and beef actually - 60 μg, 25 μg and 3 μg, respectively, 100 g of product.
  • Lamb - 2-3 μg.
  • Bird (chicken) - 16.58 μg.
  • Mussels (12 μg), shrimp (1.1 μg) and scallops.
  • Mackerel (12 μg), cod (1.6 μg), Keta (4.1 μg), salmon (2 μg), trout (10 μg).
  • Eggs (yolks) - 1.96 MHC per 100 g of product.
  • Laminaria (10 μg).
  • Brewer's yeast.

But vegetables and fruits do not contain kobalamin at all. The re-payment of vitamin B12 threatens to persons with individual intolerance to this element.

Risk group by lack of vitamin B12

The only source of vitamin B12 is food containing it. That is why the threatening lack of a useful element may experience:

  • Persons whose age stepped over 50 years.
  • Vegetarians, as well as Vegan.
  • Lovers of alcoholic beverages. At the same time, it is not necessary to consume alcohol daily and in large quantities. The best prevention lack of vitamin B12 will be a snack in the form of a steak or salad with salmon.
  • Sick diabetes patients.

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