Liver failure - symptoms

Liver failure - symptoms

Violation of one or more functions of the liver is called hepatic insufficiency. The body does not fulfill the basic tasks set by the body, hemodynamics and human condition deteriorates. How to find out about the presence of liver failure? Consider the symptoms that may be present at such pathology.

The main symptoms pointing to the presence of hepatic insufficiency

The reasons capable of provoking liver failure quite a lot. The disease can be expressed in acute or chronic form. But regardless of the reasons and shapes, the disease has its own specific manifestations to which include:

  • Justice. It is provoked by the presence of a bilirubin not baked, which stains in yellow skin and eyeballs. Over time and other liquids (wets, tears), the organisms produced yellow.
  • Lightweight Such a symptom is a consequence of the lack of bile acids, which during normal liver operation are displayed with the feet, making it dark.
  • Bruises. They appear on yellow skin covers due to lowering the number of blood platelets.
  • The smell of raw liver. Due to the insolvency of the liver to purification, the mercaptans formed in the colon fall into the blood and are spread throughout the body. With hyperhydrosis, these particles are highlighted, leading to the hepatic smell.

Symptoms of acute liver failure

Acute hepatic insufficiency develops, may perceive from 2 days to 2 months. It occurs because of the extensive lesion of liver cells with the subsequent rapid progression. For acute form, characteristic symptoms are:

  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • yellowing of the skin, eye and mucous membranes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain syndrome in the right side of the abdomen;
  • disorientation in space;
  • the patient is difficult to focus.

Restored after such an agell to 20% of patients, the rest have severe complications or die.

Symptoms of chronic liver failure and stage of the disease

The chronic type of hepatic insufficiency has four stages that differ in the symptoms present.

1. Zero stage of hepatic insufficiency. It has minimally pronounced symptoms, so it is impossible to diagnose without special research. During its course, the patient may be observed:

  • forgetfulness;
  • reduced concentration;
  • no sharpness.

Since the manifestations are minimal, then people do not attach attention.

2. Compensated (first) stage. The obvious symptoms of the presence of pathology is absent, but in the human body there are pathological changes:

  • an increase in pressure in the arteries of the liver;
  • venous plexus on the stomach are overflowing;
  • there appears varicose veins.

All this entails:

  • sleep disorder;
  • failure to eat;
  • slightly reduced weight;
  • slowdown in intellectual thinking;
  • irritability.

3. Decompensated (second) stage. The characteristic signs of hepatic insufficiency become clearly noticeable. The patient has:

  • increased aggression;
  • unstructured speech;
  • disorientation on the ground;
  • trimmer limbs.

4. Distrophic (third) stage. It is expressed by obvious deviations from the norm, which are manifested in:

  • inadequacy of man;
  • severe awakening;
  • apathetic states during wakefulness;
  • face swelling;
  • casting fluid in the abdominal cavity.

5. Finishing (fourth) stage or hepatic comaat which there is a completely absent reaction to the pain stimulus. The patient is unconscious, the brain swelling is developing.

Characteristic for the development of chronic liver failure is the duration of the process, which can sometimes last decades.

Distinctive Symptoms on Poland

I would like to note that women and men have their own features of the manifestation of the symptoms of renal failure. So:

  • in women, it causes a lamination of the menstrual cycle, emotional disorders, dystrophic changes in the organs of a small pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • in men, the instability of the mental state is observed, the decrease in libido, emotional bursts, drawn taste addiction radically change.
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Alina 10/03/2020 at 17:36

There are many reasons for disorders of the liver function. Lifestyle, genetics, testers from drugs, everything plays a role. I apparently several factors influenced. I had to gradually destroy the situation. He accepted hepatrine to restore the liver, moved to healthy food, ceased to be treated with antibiotics. Now the liver condition is normal.

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