it disease very distributed among of people all ages. According to World organizations health osteochondrosis suffers 50 percent population planets. And in ours country this is disease diagnosed in 80 percent population. And approximately 90 percent of them it is necessary On the lumbosacral department spine.
such osteochondrosis
WhatIn order to understand, how necessary treat this is diseases, necessary for beginning figure outWhat is it itself represents. The term "osteochondrosis" used Mostly c countries post -Soviet space. In Western practice more often applied The term "degenerative disease intervertebral discs. " Majority doctors consider his more correct, since he more precisely determines the essence diseases. The term " osteochondrosis» more characterizes age -related ones changestaking place in intervertebral discs.
In this way, osteochondrosis - this is exhaustion intervertebral discs, which curses to changes structures spine.
- Technically osteochondrosis looks next way: intervertebral disks, which serving for depreciation between the vertebrae during overload and movement, lost liquid, they become more dense. AT result reduced their depreciation functions arise various Complications: ditches, intervertebral hernias, which Start render pressure on the nervous endings and call pain feel (protrusion).
- AT people this is called “Pinches nerve». Secondary symptoms diseases can to be: dizziness, jumps pressure, numbness limbs, pain In the heart, etc.
- Interesting The fact that many patients, turning to doctor thinking, what have problems with a heart, in fact suffer osteochondrosis and not even suspect about it. Learn about volumethat they have him there is only after examinations.
The reasonsdiseases
Factors, which can influence on the development diseases are:
- genetic factors;
- injuries;
- image life - inactivity, use alcohol, drugs, smoking;
- excessive physical loads - raising weights, to examplecan influence on the development osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral department;
- chronic diseases and violation exchange substances;
- arthritis;
- flat feet, scoliosis and other deformation of the musculoskeletal system;
- excess the weight;
- stress, lack of sleep, constant finding in uncomfortable pose.
When the same it begins osteochondrosis and how it in time discover?
To you costs to begin worry, if:
- u you there is pain in back Periodic or constant;
- khr stspuneu;
- observed deterioration mobility spine, bad flexibility spine;
- numbness limbs.
AT anyone from these cases costs turn to doctor, which the must appoint X -ray, and preferably MRI and complex tests, which allow define there is whether you have it disease and if there is, then on which It is stages.
osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral department Treatment
If a to you put this diagnosis, then, depending on degree, to you offer conservative or combined treatment. In any case, this is a long process, which the will demand a lot of patience, effort and time. Often treatment Provides cardinal shift the usual way of life. Without total this anyone treatment dast tolno short -term result And the disease is soon again declare About Me.
Need markthat osteochondrosis is not cured fully. Most of the methods are called up decrease load on spine, on the strengthening muscles of the lumbar and removing pain syndrome and inflammatory process.
Conservative treatment happens Medication and physiotherapeutic. Sometimes apply First and second simultaneously. The main one goal conservative treatment - not to give diseases progress.
Medication treatment
Such treatment prezanno take off Inflammation and pain Syndrome u patient And prepare his To further treatment.
- With medication treatment can appoint various groups drugs. Strength them actions It depends directly on degree defeatfabrics. In this case, it can applied like universal ibuprofen, so and specialized drugs, which introduced directly in zone defeat.
- Sometimes applied hormonal drugs if there is to that appropriate indications.
- Undoubtedly, all appointments must do Only qualified specialist.
- Ointments, creams, gels and infusions, which often are advertised as drugs against osteochondrosis, in any way influence on him. Them the main one function - warm muscles in the lumbar region, and take off muscle tension, what reduces pain syndrome.
- That's why not costs myself deceive and buy Dubious drugs. Better straightaway the same address to doctor.
Non -drug treatment
Physiotherapeutic treatment, usually, is basic treatment osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral department.
To that sight treatment relate:
- massages, which called up take off voltage from the lumbar muscles. But if there is Diagnosis "Intervertebral hernias", Then massage is better not do;
- complex physical exercises (exercise therapy). They can to be different. Doctor myself must define suitable complex. His the main one function - take off voltage from the muscles and their strengthening. Besides, physical exercises help spine get up in correct Anatomical position;
- physical procedures - acupuncture, electrophoreses;
- coot sock. Enough specific method and many do not apply his. Really, he helps take off load s spine. However, when wearing corset is happening muscle atrophy, which in the future maybe negatively influence on the condition spine. That's why, if you are already decided his wear, then it can do not more 4 hours in day.
Surgical treatment
it radical view treatment. He held In the extreme case, when other not work. Usually this The method is proposed when after 3-4 months treatment It does not succeed improve situation and this affects on the quality of life. With surgical treatment produced removal parts intervertebral disc, which the presses on the vertebral nerve. With the help of this method it succeeds enough fast improve the quality of life patient.
- But application surgical method treatment Not insured from repeated occurrence problems.
- Surgery Helps decide only specific problem in specific moment.
- If a before, this operation was enough dangerous, then the latest operating methods, to example, laser surgery, much reduced risks. But this is still an unsafe procedure, which costs apply only In the extreme case to avoid possible complications.
Undoubtedly, osteochondrosis is serious problem, With which collide many of us. His treatment very Complex and practically none cured fully from this ailment. Nonetheless, turning in time to doctor, you you can much reduce risks, p which This is due diseases. Performing all recommendations and instructions, you, mostly casesYou can forget pro this problem and live full -fledged life.
Osteochondrosis is one way or another and most often provokes inflammation .... This gives pain. It helps me that I accept the rheumatlex courses. With him I forget about all these unpleasant sensations. Well, of course, exercise therapy and physio. It is complexly important to help yourself in this matter.