How to fry Chebureki

How to fry Chebureki

If you are asked by such a question, most likely you have bought a frozen semi-finished product in the store and now do not know how to fry the Chebureks.

So, in front of you a package with ready-made frozen pasties, and you do not understand, you need to defrost them to fry, or it can be done right so, not deficiting.

How to fry Chebureki

To easily cope with the task, you will need:

  • thick-walled frying pan;
  • frozen Chebureks;
  • vegetable oil.

How to fry a finished product:

  • Put the pan on the stove, turn on the slow heating.
  • After 1-2 minutes, pour vegetable oil. Oils do not regret, it is necessary that Cheburek literally bought in oil.
  • The oil is best used refined - that is, odorless, if there is unrefined, it can also be used, only pasties will turn out with an outsider aroma. Not everyone likes it.
  • When the oil warms up well, it is usually given about 3-4 minutes, you can begin frying.
  • How to find out if the oil was glad enough? Listen, the hot oil begins to crack, and bubbles may form on the surface. If so, it's time to act.
  • Put several Chebureks in a frying pan. Evaluate the facility of the pan in advance, because it is better not to put a lot of frozen semi-finished products, because under the influence of high temperatures they can stick. It is best to fry the Chebureks in small batches, 3-4 pieces for 1 time.
  • Fry Chebureks on the one hand needed within 5-7 minutes, then turn over and continue the roasting of the same amount of time.
  • Fire - average, make sure that on the one hand a beautiful crispy crust formed, then you can turn the product to the other side.
  • Fry pasties only need to open the lid. If you notice that the crust has turned dry, and you like a slightly damp pasties, then after you get them roasted, should be added to the oil a little some water, reduce the heat, add up all the pasties (ready) in a pan, cover with a lid and steamed for 1-2 minutes.

The second method of frying chebureks

And another option frying finished product, when you yourself have made pasties and freeze them.

Then you need to fry a little different:

  • put the pan on a medium heat for 2 minutes;
  • when frying pan heat up, pour vegetable oil. Fry pasties best in a large amount of oil, about 3 cm from the bottom of the pans. If more - even better;
  • oil well must warm up, it is allocated to 4 minutes. oil willingness to define simple: it will crackle, you can even throw in a pinch of flour butter (just a little), or a piece of dough (the remainder of the molding chebureks). If you see that the oil hissed, dough immediately began to cover golden brown, it is time to start frying chebureks;
  • caution is necessary to put 2,3 or 4 products in the pan, to see to it that they do not stick to each other, to provide more space;
  • tchebourek frying time on the one hand - 3 minutes, until a golden brown, then cheburek need to turn and continue roasting;
  • ready pasties need to put in a large pan or bowl and immediately cover with a lid, so that they do not cool down.

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