How to fry the bathhouses in a frying pan

How to fry the bathhouses in a frying pan

The baths are spicy raw pork minced sausages with the addition of sludge sled, onions and burning seasonings. The dish came to us from Georgia, where it is frying on coals, watering with pomegranate juice. You should not wait for the summer to fry the baths on an open fire, they can be cooked at home in a skillet - it turns out a delicious and satisfying dish.

The baths are frying in two ways: in one case they are pre-boiled, in the other - they are allowed in a skillet. This is done to ensure that the shell does not burst in the cooking process, and the sausages are juicy, with a crispy crust.

How to fry the baths in a pan - the method of fatting

Before cooking, separating the sausages from each other if you have a frozen semi-finished product - defrost at room temperature, wipe the napkin and proceed to frying. You will need 6 sausages - 2 tbsp. l. Sunflower oil, half a cup of water.

  • Put the bathhouse in the pan, pour them with water, put on the middle fire. When the liquid is forced, arrive heat to a minimum and close the lid. Touch, periodically turning on one side to another.
  • After a quarter of an hour, when the water is almost evaporated, open the frying pan. Pulse each sausage toothpick in two places (so as not to burst with frying), then pick up the oil, fry to a pleasant brine of three minutes.

Tip: Do not pushing the sausage through, it is enough to make a hole with a depth of 3-4 mm.

The baths prepared in this way are well combined with sharp sauce, stewed cabbage, oriental pellets.

How to fry the baths in the pan - the way of boiling

No less delicious baths are obtained if they are pre-booked in salted water.

  • Put in the sausage saucement, fill with warm water so that it covers them completely. Throw 0.5 Article from above. l. Salt.
  • Put the container on fire, after boiling, add 5 peas of pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1/2 h. L. Coriander grains. Boil sausages for 10 minutes without covering the saucepan. Then disconnect the gas and leave the baths in the broth.

The cooled sausages are getting riddled with a towel and fry on the creamy oil for 1 minute on each side. Placing hot on the dish, serve with a warm salad and Tkemali sauce.

How to fry the baths in a frying pan - recipe options

The baths can not be frying on a frying pan, but also to stew with vegetables, spices, herbs.

How to fry the baths in a pan in tomato sauce

  • Prepare sausages - each, keeping behind the tail, lower the boiling water for 1 minute.
  • For sauce, take - two bulbs, 4 garlic teeth, a pinch of dry dust and paprika, 1/4 cup of tomato paste, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  • Salt - to taste, grated ginger - at will.
  • The lined onions fry up to yellow, and put the sausages, garlic, spices, ginger.
  • Add tomato paste, diluted in half a glass of water, salt, sugar and snap 15 minutes.
  • Folded the baths in a deep bowl, pour a sinking sauce, sprinkle with parsley. Together with sausages you can give potato mashed potatoes or pumpkin cutlets.

How to fry the baths in a frying pan with vegetables

  • It will take: 5 sausages, onion head, small zucchini, one sweet pepper with carrots, four tomatoes, handful of small plums without bones, lean oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetables, except tomatoes, lie and spruce. Tomatoes clean from the skin and grind in a blender along with plums. The baths are frying in a frying pan before making them with a crust, put the vegetable assorted, protubet 3 minutes. Pour in a mixture with tomato mass, spices and prepare ten more minutes.
  • Spread on the portion plates, decorate the green onions feathers and dill branches. Separately, you can apply garlic sauce.

Roasted baths are a universal dish, because it is preparing quickly and well neighboring in one plate with vegetables, sour fruits, cereals, nuts and sharp seasonings.

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