How to brew coffee in french press

How to brew coffee in french press

In a french press, coffee is brewed easily, quickly and tasty. In just 4 minutes you will get the perfect invigorating drink for one or two people. And some important nuances will help extract the maximum of taste and aroma from the grains.

How to brew coffee in french press - what you need

To brew your favorite coffee with a new way, you will need a Franch press, coffee beans and a coffee grinder, a water in a measuring glass, a time clock. It is important to follow the following details:

  • take a large grinding welding, or process coffee beans accordingly in a coffee grinder;
  • water should be filtered or distilled - the taste of coffee depends not less than from the quality of grains;
  • if you brew a standard brewing portion, a volume of 260 millilitres, you should measure 17 g. Welding, or three teaspoons without a slide;
  • you can also calculate the desired amount of welding, based on the formula for 7 g. per 100 ml., Variating these values \u200b\u200bto obtain more or less strong coffee.

When the ingredients are selected and ready, proceed to the process itself.

How to brew coffee in Franch Press Step

Before pouring coffee in a french press, it is necessary to warm it in order to avoid a substantial temperature difference. This will allow the drink to be brewed evenly. So:

  • We bring to a boil about 300 ml. Water in a separate container.
  • We rinse the press with hot water, keep it inside a few seconds, pour.
  • We fall asleep 3 teaspoons of coffee and gradually fill the water with small portions.
  • At first add about 60 ml. Water thoroughly mixing it with coffee welding. We leave for 30 seconds - this will fully reveal the taste of grains.
  • When the specified time expires, we pour the remaining 200 ml. Fluids, then internize 5 minutes 30 seconds. If during this period on top of the drink, "crust" is formed - it can be removed to remove the excess bitterness.
  • At the final stage, mix the contents again and pressed the press to separate the solid fraction from the liquid.
  • Before submitting such coffee, the cup should also be warm up, by analogy with the first point of instructions.

How to brew coffee in Franch Press - Features of coffee

Delicious, properly cooked drink has a number of distinctive features, thanks to which it is preferred by connoisseurs.

  • Coffee from Franch Press, scored for about 5 minutes, is one of the most stronger (yielding, except for, coffee "in Turkish" and filter-coffee). This is explained by the fact that it is long enough to contact with water.
  • For the same reason (long-term brewing), coffee of different varieties prepared by the method described, can differ as much as possible to taste. Ground grains evenly and completely give their aroma drink.
  • Using coffee of various grinding, it is also convenient to control the taste. The larger grinding is chosen, the less "dust" will be in the finished drink.
  • Due to the fact that the coffee from the French press is prepared by the method of insistence, and not brewing, it is brighter "sourness" in it, and he is less grieving.

Many consider a sign of good coffee a peculiar "foam" appearing on the finished drink. It can be created in the Franch press. If there is no fake, it is worth experimenting with different types of water used for brewing.

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Samoylova. 05/11/2018 at 21:52

I like what kind of coffee is brewed in Franch press. Every morning I go through this ritual of brewing. I grind my favorite Ethiopia Irgacheffe 4 from torrefact to a large groove and in the press, after 8-10 minutes it is ready saturated and invigorating coffee.

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