How to pull out a splinter from under the nail

How to pull out a splinter from under the nail

A splinter is a foreign body that falls under the skin and can be of any structure. They are especially painful in place of fingers under the nail. If the sliver did not come deep and there is no inflammation, then it can be pulled out independently. But this must be done correctly so as not to harm your health.

How to pull out a splinter from under the nail-is it necessary to help?

First of all, decide whether you need medical help. Do not risk your health and act independently if:

  • Around the splinter there is redness and a finger of edema. This indicates the penetration of infection into the wound, which can provoke a deterioration in health.
  • You yourself cannot extract a foreign body, as it is deeply stuck under the nail plate. In this case, the specialist will need to remove part or the entire nail plate, as well as prescribe anti -inflammatory treatment.
  • The splinter has a large size. To extract it, the doctor will make local anesthesia, which will relieve pain.

How to pull out a splinter from under the nail with tweezers

If you have decided that you do not need medical help, then remove a foreign body yourself.

  • You will need a tweezer for this to capture a small splinter. If it penetrated deeply, then use the needle.

  • Such peculiar tools must be sterilized. To do this, dip them completely in boiling water or treat them with purified alcohol.

  • Meanwhile, wash your hands well in warm running water and using soap. If this cannot be done, then treat a finger with a splinter of alcohol or iodine. This will avoid infection in the wound.

  • Actions in the previous paragraph must be repeated to a person who will help you pull out a foreign body.
  • Before proceeding with the removal of a splinter, you need to cut the nail if it has a large length. This will reveal you access to the cause of the pain.
  • Find the most illuminated place and hook the splinter with tweezers. Grasp as many of its area as possible to pull out at a time and entirely.

  • Pull the sliver carefully, but sharply in the direction of its entrance. If you couldn’t do it at a time and fragments of the material remained in the wound, then consult a doctor for help. Do not get the rest of the chips yourself!
  • In some cases, it is not possible to get to the splinter with tweezers, as it went under the skin. In this case, a needle for sewing will help you.
  • It must also be processed before use. Gently enter it under the nail plate next to the chip and try to push it to the edge. Then pick it up with tweezers and pull it in the opposite direction from penetration.

  • After removing the splinter, rinse the wound, disinfect it and apply antibacterial ointment. Top up the adhesive plaster for the first time to avoid getting into the wound of pollution.

How to pull out a splinter from under the nail in other ways

There are several more ways to extract a foreign body from under the nail.

Soda baths

  • With a small size of a splinter and the inability to extract it with tweezers, use baths with baking soda. Heat the water, pour the product into it based on: on a glass of water, 1 tbsp. l. powder.
  • Water should be warm, not hot! Lower the patient into the water and hold it until the water cools. For the effect, do this procedure twice a day.

  • The bath will help a small chip out on your own or advance to the place of penetration, where you can pick it up with tweezers.
  • Sometimes, to obtain the effect of this method, you will need to repeat it for several days. Or prepare soda paste and use it as an ointment.

Using stationery adhesive tape

  • The tape will help to pull the sliver. Glue it in place with a splinter and sharply remove it. Use only a transparent adhesive tape, so you will see a foreign body and where you need to glue it.
  • If you fail to glue the splinter on adhesive tape, cut the nail as short as possible.

Using wax for depilation

  • Very small chips that cannot be picked with tweezers can be removed by removing unwanted hair.
  • Heat it and pour it onto the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe finger. Wait until the product fully envelops the splinter.
  • Until the wax has cooled down, attach pure material and pull sharply. Such an action will allow the maximum to cover the sliver and completely pull it out.

Using ichthyol ointment

  • Do not neglect such a simple, but very effective drug as ichthyol ointment. With its action, it will soften the skin around the splinter and push it to easy extraction. In addition, it will have an analgesic and anti -inflammatory effect on the wound.
  • Apply the ointment with a thin layer to the cleaned area of \u200b\u200bthe nail with a chip. Cover it with a clean cloth and bandage it with a bandage.
  • The ointment has a dark color with an oily structure, so it can bow out clothes and bedding. Therefore, tie your finger as large as possible.
  • Leave the means to act for a day, then remove the bandages. If the sliver itself did not come out, then pull it out with tweezers.

If you failed to extract a splinter yourself, then seek help from a doctor!

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