How to put a child to sleep in 5 minutes

How to put a child to sleep in 5 minutes

Putting the baby in the crib often turns into a real feat. He does not want to sleep and your nerves at the limit. Do not arrange hysterics, with each new month of his life, the baby is awakening more time and can not relax. You will learn how to put a baby to sleep in 5 minutes.

How to put a baby to sleep in 5 minutes - preparation

Start with the preparation of the kid. Do it daily at one time. Note the following points:

  • Create a comfortable microclimate to sleep in the room. Air humidity should be about 70%, the temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees;
  • Choose Sleep Clothes Baby from natural materials without coarse seams;
  • Ask to come out of foreign people from the children's room. The child is distracted by other relatives;
  • Stop noisy games 1.5 hours before sleep. Turn off the TV and loud music. Take a walk with the baby on the street, if the weather allows;
  • Do not cross the child before bedtime. But do not sleep hungry sleep;
  • Perform soothing procedures. This is a light massage, a warm bath for half an hour before sleep.
  • Observe the day mode. Make sure that time after day sleep and preparing for a night rest was at least 4 hours.

We look at the "sleepy" signals

Timely catch signals pointing to the kid's desire to go to bed. These include:

  • Yawn. The kid rubs his eyes with his hands or tread her ears;
  • Loss of interest in toys. Toys fly to the side. The child climbs and begins to cry;
  • The effect of "frozen look." The child looks at one point, and the head will be clone or forward;
  • The child asks on his hands. Breasts may ask her mother's mother's;
  • Kid arrive and fell silent. He does not run, does not crawl and often falls on his back or on his side, closes his eyes.

You can catch these signals - put sleep a child in 5 minutes. Stop all your home affairs. Take the child, quickly disguise in pajamas, close the curtains and stack into the bed.

How to put a child to sleep in 5 minutes by the Method of the Pediatrician Harvey Carp?

  1. Speaker. Dimensional movements will remind the baby about the sensations tested in the mother's womb. He calms down and falls asleep. The tech helps the development of the vestibular apparatus, according to the pediatrician. When the baby falls asleep - put in the crib.
  2. Warding. Watch the infant age up to 3-4 months in a diaper or blanket. Focus on the temperature in the room. Little children interfere with throwing hands with hands. Warding will reduce motor activity and after 5 minutes the child will fall. Do not forget about the fresh diaper.
  3. Dummy. The child is not distracted with the nipple on the external stimuli, calm down and will fall quickly. Take out a pacifier during hard sleep from the baby's mouth.
  4. Laying on the side. According to the pediatrician, the posture during sleep on the back is a pose of danger. The child is afraid of this. Tightly dug diet and turn over side. Extra gases will be departed, and the baby will fall out in 5 minutes.
  5. Organization in the room "White Noise". In the mother's belly, the baby heard the beat of her heart and the blood running along the vessels. He got used to noise, and after birth in silence he feels uncomfortable. Turn on the radio with soothing music, hairdryer or other household appliance. Music can be a natural theme - the singing of birds, the noise of rain.

How to put a baby sleep in 5 minutes?

These methods are suitable for guys from 10 months and older:

  • Put his favorite toy in the crib to the baby. The child will hug a soft and pleasant bear or bunny and will quickly fall. First place the selected toy between the breast during feeding and baby. The child will get used to her, she has the smell of mom;
  • Spot lullaby. The kid quickly falls asleep under a nice mother's voice. Clearly can be replaced with an older evening fairy tale for a child;
  • Organize physical activity for a child in the evening. Long take a walk with him on the playground 2-3 hours before sleep. The baby gets tired and will fall quickly;
  • Offer the baby before going to bed to sleep his toys. Spread with him for a toy song. Apply the child to the window on the hands and put the sun with your hand. Tell me that everyone is preparing to sleep.

Watch for the baby. In two days you will understand what kind of tiredness he has. Help your child fall asleep with our advice. With a good sleep, the baby's mother always falls away.

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Kira 08/08/2019 at 17:32

It is necessary to work on such a thing, but if you work, the child himself will go to bed at a certain time without any whims, in our case they worked well the baby formula tranquility and swimming, the child falls asleep with us without conversations)

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