How to remove the halifer on the hips

How to remove the halifer on the hips

Girls try to skillfully combine new cosmetics, spa procedures, peace of fashion and a healthy tightened body, which in addition to each other gives the perfect woman twenty-first century. And, if various means can be bought in the store, clothing and shoes - in the boutique, then we are forced to do a beautiful figure for themselves. And quite often, women face the problem of uneven weight loss or muscle growing. Especially popular difficulty of women on the way to perfection are "ears" on the hips.

What is a halife on the hips

If for you this is an unfamiliar word, do not think that you are behind in the modern world, just so called all of us well-known and annoying "ears" in the field of hip. Such peculiar increase in layers, which make the shape of the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks similar to the heart. For many women, this problem represents the most real catastrophe, since most things look not particularly attractive, and the very representative of a beautiful floor looks into a pear.

Why is Halifer on the hips is a big problem?

In addition, this figure of the figure looks unprepacently and limits in choosing clothes of many beauties, also Galifa is and a call, which may indicate health problems. In addition, by itself, the excess weight in the field of beeder is an additional unnecessary load for the lumbar and muscle in this place. Over time, this problem can lead to frequent pains and, unfortunately, even foreclosure injuries of the spine.

Causes of the appearance of Halifer on the hips

In a sufficient number of women from birth, there is a predisposition to the appearance of "ears". Their type of figure is called "pear" or "triangle". And it is transmitted by a related line through the genes. But also such a problem can be found in female representatives with other species of figures. The thing is that our body is arranged so that all the time to make small fat reserves. That is, such a layer is present throughout the body, but when the motor activity decreases, and the use of unhealthy food becomes excessive, various deposits appear. Each each is in different parts of the body, but, as a rule, in women they accumulate precisely in the field of honey.

How to remove Halifa on the hips?

There are several effective ways to help cope with this problem. Women who have already managed to cope with this difficulty, advise combining several variations at the same time, then the result will come faster and will be more noticeable.

Proper nutrition

First of all, it is necessary to revise your diet. There should be no products that can accumulate excess fat. That is, it is recommended to reduce or eliminate the fully consumption of oily, fried, too salty or seasoned food, also stands and die their desire for eating sweets and flour products.

Also, the prerequisite is the introduction of as many products with the content of fiber and vitamins as possible. They are:

  • Fruits.
  • Berries.
  • Vegetables.
  • Greens.
  • Boiled fish and poultry meat.
  • Seafood.
  • Bean.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Nuts (in small quantities).

Exercise stress

Naturally, one correct nutrition will be little in order to remove excess fat from the body. That is why it is worth resorting to the sport, which just like a balanced menu, not only solve this problem, but also improves the state of health as a whole. Well in this case helps running outdoor. For the first changes, it will be enough half-hour not fast running in the morning and in the evening every day for 2 weeks. It is also recommended to engage in active sports depending on the season, such as swimming, skating / skiing / skateboard / snowboard.

Exercises will be effective, which includes the following exercises:

  • Mahi legs lying. To do this, you need to lie on the side, to rely on the elbow and lift the smooth leg as above. 20 repetitions of 3 approaches for each leg.
  • Squats. We are all your favorite exercise that will strengthen the leg muscles and buttocks. 50 times 2 approaches.
  • Fucks forward and to the side. For each leg 15 times, 2 approaches.
  • Mahi feet with the wall. It is necessary to pull out your hand, put the wall with your palm and remove the opposite leg to the side. Make 25 times, change your hand and repeat with the second leg. 2-3 approaches.

Massage and scrubs

High popularity in solving problems with Galifa uses various scrubs and oils. You can buy everything you need in the store, but you can cook an excellent scrub at home.

Recipe Next: Mix 3 tbsp. brewed natural coffee with 1 tsp. Oil jojoba, add 0.5 tsp. Oil lemon. Mix and break the problem areas for 10 minutes, wash off warm water and apply a moisturizing cream.

In general, if you fulfill all the above recommendations regularly, you can get rid of Halifa on the hips on the hips very quickly, but besides this, thanks to the right and healthy lifestyle, also prevent his re-appearance.

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