The earliest vegetable is ready to collect, it is radish. It is used as a replacement of cucumbers or tomatoes, added to salads and eat in raw form because of the abundance of the vitamins that it contains. In particular, tasty and crispy radishes goes if it was planted in January. But if there is no early radish, you can always save root from autumn, because with proper storage they are able to keep freshness for a long time.
Preparation for wintering
- To radishes not grown with tasteless and fibrous, it is watered well. Water, absorbed by him from the ground, gives him compatibility and tenderness. Harvesting usually postpone on the morning. The roots that have fallen under the solar rays become sluggish and stored quite short.
- It is possible to determine the freshness of the radish and its readiness to the collection by density - a sipped or unripe rootpode will be soft to the touch and will succumb to compression.
- In the process of selection for storage for the winter, only that radisis, whose peel is not damaged by collecting. Each instance inspects the presence of rot or damage before prepare for wintering. Cracked radishes is selected as well as any damaged. Due to access of the sun's sun, its core will be tasteful and surp.
- To wintering radishes are preparing sowing from the very moment. They are sown in the first week of August. With a late sowing for ripening root, you need at least 6 weeks for final maturation. Untimely radish reaches 2 cm. In diameter it is started to collect because it is considered ripe. Long stay on the beds will lead to the fact that they will prevail and restricted among the root plates.
Storage storage
There are several varieties created specifically for long-term wintering. This is Chinese, Donggansky, a variety of red Giant and a number of others. Radish is not recommended to damage not only during the collection, but also in the process of all storage.
- If the frosts unexpectedly hit, then the frozen harvest is recommended to learn before carrying them into a basement or other storage. Also, radishes are not recommended to dig in the rain or after it because of the dirt that will inevitably stick to it. They do not even advise clean even the land-sticking towards radish - it will inevitably damage his skin, reducing its shelf life.
- I dug, the Bardwood is immediately cut, leaving a small tail. Without this, the metabolic process in it continues, the leaves will evaporate the water from the pulp and radishes will become tasteless.
Before attributed to the collected vintage for storage, radishes do not wash. Moisture falling on his skin will lead to the emergence of rot, and various infections can destroy all stocks. - Hold radishes at a temperature of about 0 degrees and with high, up to 95%, air humidity. To preserve this level of humidity, constantly, the floor of the radish storage is recommended to regularly water the water.
Before storage, radishes are folded into wooden capacity with a capacity of up to 20 kg. From above it is sprinkled with a layer of sand or turf. Sand should not contain moisture and at the same time hold the shape if it is squeezed by hand. - Sand or Derne topped with a small layer of ash or chalk. They create an alkaline environment in which many bacteria threatening radish are not able to survive. Under the end of the storage, radishes are laying next to the shelves and are moved by moisturized sand.
- In order for the harvest longer to be stored and did not lose the beneficial properties of sand, often connect with lime or chalk, choosing the proportion of 1: 50. If you take less than 50 kilo sand and use a degenerate lime instead of the extinguished, the whole crop will be burned.
- Sometimes instead of sand uses exhaled sawdust. Essential oils contained in wood help disinfect the harvest, protecting it from bacteria. The most rarest way to preserve the freshness of the radish is longer than culinary deception.
- For this, clay is bred in the prepared capacity to the state of sour cream. After that, it is lowered by one by one radishes and put them in a blowing box. It should have enough cracks to through them, like through the sieve, an excess clay flowed.
- After it stalks, the radish will remain very thin, literally a few millimeters, a protective layer. It dries out, covered by radishes with a reliable crust that protects him from drying out and crown.
- If there are no boxes, radishes are kept in bags of polyethylene. They are not tied and put vertically, so that carbon dioxide accumulated inside, protecting the freshness of the root. In the process of storing for the freshness of the harvest, it is recommended to constantly monitor and directly eliminate spoiled specimens.
Storage in the house
In addition to special repasses, radishes are stored at home, in an ordinary refrigerator. Of course it will require reduce the volume of harvest, but at the same time will significantly simplify the care of the conservation of its freshness.
- After harvesting, radishes are cut off the tops, keeping the tails with a length of 2 cm. After that, they wash them in running water and leave to dry on the towel.
- The dried root roots are stacked and sent to the refrigerator without tie. If you still want to start it very much, it is recommended to do in packages holes for free air circulation.
- Early varieties of radish can be stored no more than 7 days, the average - no more than 14.
There is nothing complicated in the storage of radishes. Most importantly, in the process of wintering, look at the level of humidity and temperature at the storage place.