How to store garlic for the winter?

How to store garlic for the winter?

Garlic has a huge amount of useful properties. So that in winter he remains fresh and always ready to use, you need to know the secrets of its storage.

General principles

Manipulations for the preservation of garlic begin directly with the harvest. To do this, before collecting it is stopped watering, and the bulbs themselves are taken whole and intact.

  • After extracting garlic from the ground, they are laid out in a dry and dark place where it will lie for two weeks. When the garlic dries, its roots are cut and shave off excessive earth. The place from where the roots grew up with fire.
  • Then the crop is sorted out and get rid of non -disclosure. Any container is used for storage. Garlic is equally well stored in plastic bags, nets, bags and glass jars.
  • For storage, garlic is transferred to a place in which does not exceed 80%. The darkened and dry room is best suited, where the temperature ranges from 5 degrees Celsius.
  • In the process of storage, garlic is constantly sorted out in order to get rid of spoiled teeth in a timely manner. They are identified by pungent odor, softness and spots.

Grandfather's method

When collecting garlic, its neck is left untouched. When it dries, the heads of garlic with the help of the necks in a kind of braid weave. Then they suspend the bundle in a dry and blown place.

In salt

After collecting the garlic head, they are disassembled to separate slices. Without cleansing, put them in banks and fall asleep with coarse salt. Cover the jars tightly and transferred to a darkened place.

In vegetable oil

Vegetable oil protects the garlic from drying out. Immediately after collecting the garlic head, they are divided into slices, cleaned and thrown away. The peeled cloves of garlic are laid out according to previously sterilized jars.

When the bank is filled, vegetable oil is poured inside. Then the jar is tightly covered with a lid. It is best to store cans with garlic in oil in a basement or cellar.

In the bag

Garlic is well stored in a bag of natural fabric. To save garlic, soaked in a strong salt solution for sixty seconds, dried and transferred into a bag.

In addition to garlic, you can also soak the bag itself. Then it should be well dried, covered with garlic and transferred to the storage site without tieing. Salt prevents mold and other types of fungus.

Storage of sprouted garlic

With improper storage or drying in a room with high humidity, garlic can germinate. The sprouted greens not only reduces its beneficial properties, but also reduces storage time.

To extend it, all green sprouts are cut off and garlic heads are transferred to a dry and darker place. The lower boundary of the temperature in it should be 2 degrees Celsius. As new sprouts appear, sprouted heads are consumed in food.

As a seasoning

Grinded and dried garlic is stored as a seasoning for different dishes. In the future, this will save time to clean the lobules and prepare them for use.
For seasoning from garlic, you will need:

  • A kilogram of garlic
  • Vegetable oil 200 ml.
  • A little ground pepper
  • 20 g. Salt

Refraging recipe:

  1. Let's re -make and let go of the clock
  2. While the oil cools down, clean and cut the bottom in garlic teeth
  3. Scroll the teeth in a meat grinder
  4. Pour chopped garlic with oil, add pepper and spices. Mix everything.
  5. We will disperse the resulting mixture into the banks, close tightly and leave to be stored in a cool place.

In the ash

If the house does not have a reliable place for storing garlic, then it can be stored directly in the ash. Puffed ash garlic withstands storage even in warm and dry rooms.

  1. The ash is covered in an ordinary box with a layer of 2 cm thick.
  2. A layer of garlic is laid out on top and filled with ash so that the layer completely covers garlic bulbs.
  3. Repeat the manipulation until all the garlic, which must be preserved, is spilled.
  4. The upper layer of ash should also have a thickness of two centimeters.

In paraffin

Paraffin holds moisture inside the garlic and prevents mold.
For this method you will need:

  • Several paraffin candles
  • Garlic
  • Water container
  • Another container, smaller

In order to keep the garlic, you need:

  1. First melt paraffin in a water bath. To do this, put a container with water on fire. When it boils, we put a smaller capacity on top and lower the candles into it.
  2. When the paraffin melts, extract wicks. In hot paraffin, we will alternately lower the head of garlic.
  3. Let us drain the excess paraffin. Before using the paraffin film, we will scrap or clean with garlic husks.

In the food film

If in a place for storing garlic is not wet enough, then the food film will help to preserve it. Each head of the garlic is wrapped in a film in several layers and put in a storage box.

Saving garlic is completely easy. Having spent a little effort to prepare the heads and choose a place, you can enjoy fresh, as if recently assembled, garlic until spring.

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