How to check eggs for freshness on water

How to check eggs for freshness on water

Eggs we buy on the market or in the supermarket. Unfortunately, it is impossible to check this product for freshness right at the fit, you have to trust stickers with the expiration date. And only at home you can understand, the fresh eggs bought or not.

Determine the freshness of eggs, which is called "on the eyes", simply impossible. This product can be left for a long time at room temperature and no external manifestations. Often buyers ask the seller how fresh eggs and the answer are always the same: "Eggs are fresh, take." Check if the egg is really fresh, it is possible: break it up and freshness to understand the characteristic odor. If he repulsive, then the egg is spoiled. But everything in a row breaks the eggs is not included in our plans, so we will check the freshness of eggs in other ways.

How to check the freshness of eggs in water

Take a large capacity, such as a saucepan. It should be pouring cold water directly from under the tap (no more than 10 cm), and then put eggs into it. You can take turns to not be confused and determine the freshness of each product consistently.

How to understand the freshness of eggs:

  • If the eggs fell to the bottom and do not float upstairs, then you are lucky - eggs you bought fresh-fresh.
  • If you see that the eggs are slightly raised by a blunt tip up, it means that the eggs are no longer very fresh. They can still be used, but not in the fresh form, but cook hot dishes (baking, scrambled eggs, omelet).
  • If the eggs surfaced, they are precisely spoiled and this product is generally prohibited to eat. Such eggs must be urgently discarded. Do you know why it turns out that the egg pops up in water to the surface? Every day the moisture gradually evaporates and this space fills the air. The older the product, the more air in it and therefore the eggs pop up.

There is an even similar method of checking eggs, in the water you need to pour salt so that the solution is concentrated. You also need to lower the eggs and see: if they lie at the bottom, then the "age" of this product is approximately 2 to 7 days. If the egg rises with a blunt end, and the sharp remains "glued" to the bottom, then this product is approximately 10 days. If the eggs float in a salty solution, then such eggs are already about 2 weeks. If the eggs are float to the surface of the salt solution and "cast" from it, then such eggs are forbidden to eat, they are not fresh.

Other ways to check eggs for freshness

The egg can be broken, if one of the eggs tested in water surfaced, and then learn protein and yolk. In the appearance of these components, we can say the following:

  • if the protein is liquid, and the yolk became flat, then the egg is not fresh;
  • if the protein is dense and viscous, and the yolk is convex, then the egg is fresh.

Another way to check eggs to fresh: you just need to shake the egg, if I did not hear anything, then the eggs can be boldly to eat, if you heard a "squid" or a splash, as well as any other sound, it means that inside the air is, and therefore This egg is no longer fresh and it is impossible to eat it.

On the shelf life and rules for the storage of eggs

The manufacturer always indicates the shelf life of the product on the packaging. If the eggs were stored correctly, in compliance with all the rules, they will be fresh.

What you need to pay attention to when buying eggs:

  • You need to buy fresh eggs, so pay attention to the shelf life of the product. If expired - do not risk.
  • Store eggs need in a cold place - in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than +6 oC. If you keep the eggs at home on the table, they will ruin faster.
  • Boil eggs need not less than 5 minutes.
  • If the shelf life has expired, it is possible to eat these eggs, but only provided that eggs were kept in the refrigerator and it is necessary to prepare such a product at a sufficiently high temperature (from +70 oWITH).
  • If you see that the egg burst, it is forbidden to store it. It is desirable to prepare something from such a product.

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