How to make apple vinegar at home

How to make apple vinegar at home

Apple vinegar - a real breeding of vitamins. In folk medicine, it is used as an antiseptic and an antipyretic agent. Also, the product is used to prepare different dishes. On the store shelves you can see bottles with apple vinegar from different manufacturers. But are you sure of the naturalness of such a product? If not, then be sure to prepare it yourself.

Use of home apple vinegar

10 years ago, one popular Women's magazine wrote that with the help of apple vinegar you can lose weight, while not to play sports and do not adhere to a strict diet. Many girls used this way of weight loss and made sure of his truthfulness. The use of apple vinegar not only helped relieve extra kilograms, but also significantly improved the condition of the skin and face. Such a "elixir of beauty and youth" has such useful properties:

  • helps with abundant menstruation, reduces pain;
  • reduces the risk of developing colds, strengthens immunity;
  • strengthens the bone, prevents the development of caries;
  • reduces the risk of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis;
  • easy to cope with insomnia and stress;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, minimizes the risk of re-infarction;
  • improves memory and attentiveness;
  • gives the body additional energy;
  • treats skin rashes (including psoriasis), burns 1 and 2 degrees;
  • helps get rid of mimic wrinkles and stretch marks.

Despite the weighty share of beneficial properties, apple vinegar with improper use can harm health. With extreme caution, the product must be used to people suffering from kidney diseases and the digestive system.

Apple vinegar with their own hands (recipe number 1)

Prepare vinegar at home is quite simple, the main thing is to have an excerpt and observe a step-by-step recipe.

Required ingredients:

  • ripe green apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • liquid honey - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l.

Before starting cooking, be sure to beat the fruit. Rotten and immature apples need to be removed. Fruits should be juicy.

  • 1 step - apples wash under cool running water, cut into large slices, deleting the middle;
  • 2 step - with a large grater grate apples into deep dishes (try to keep the juice in the container);
  • 3 step - heating a little 0.5 liters. water, add sugar and stir until complete dissolution;
  • 4 Step - Sweet syrup to connect with the remaining water, slightly shake;
  • 5 step - in a glass container (jar, a bottle with a wide throat) we put grated apples and fill with water (10 cm should remain in the tank);
  • 6 step - cover the bank of gauze and remove into a warm place without direct sunlight on 10 days;
  • 7 step - 1 time in two days a slightly shaking the jar with a liquid so that the sediment rose;
  • 8 step - after the specified period you will have a muddy liquid, "cap" should be well climbing;
  • 9 Step - We carry out double filtering (filtering) with gauze, apple mezuge well squeeze;
  • 10 step - cast a little liquid and dissolve in it honey, add to general capacity;
  • 11 Step - the neck of the container to cover clean gauze and remove into the locker for 40 days (check the vinegar regularly, as soon as the fluid acquires a saturated color and stops being muddy, the natural product is ready!).

Shelf life of homemade vinegar - 2 years.

Apple vinegar (recipe №2)

Another way to manufacture natural vinegar is presented to your attention.

Required ingredients:

  • juicy apples - 3 kg.;
  • cherry black bread - 100 g;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Use only glass or clay tanks to prepare vinegar. The use of metal containers is not allowed.

  • 1 step - rinse apples, cut into slices and skip through a meat grinder;
  • 2 step - prepared fruits pour cool water and add honey;
  • 3 step - mix thoroughly mixed mixture;
  • 4 step - add bread and remove in a dark place for 10 days;
  • 5 step - after the specified period, we carry out filtration, cassea to press well;
  • 6 step - sterilize the glass jar and pour the resulting liquid;
  • 7 Step - Let's give a vinegar for another 40 days.

Home apple vinegar will become an excellent helper in the kitchen for each mistress.

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