How to make kvass at home from bread without yeast

How to make kvass at home from bread without yeast

How nice to drink a refreshing, toning kvass in hot weather. If you decide to cook a homemade drink yourself, then we advise you to use simple recipes that are described in our article.

Home kvass real breeding vitamins

Kvass has long been considered a drink that will help get rid of many diseases. In the treatment of any ailment was prescribed kvass. Sailors that went to distant swimming were reserved by barrels of the bread drink, as he could prevent the development of Qingi. And the peasants working in the field, drank kvass to restore the strength and return to the former energy. If a person regularly consume home drink, then his body will answer him thanks, because kvass:

  • improves the operation of the digestive system (effective in stomach disorders, poisoning);
  • will save from heartburn and bloating;
  • promotes the healing of the ulcer of the stomach;
  • improves mood, will return vital tone;
  • normalizes the work of the nervous system (minimizes the appearance of stress, depression);
  • heals from insomnia;
  • will help speed up the recovery process (acts as an aid in the treatment of angina, bronchitis, ARVI, influenza);
  • cleans the vessels, helps reduce blood cholesterol;
  • treats light arrhythmia;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • improves potency;
  • increases the elasticity, the elasticity of the skin, will save from acne and strengthens the hair onion (with outdoor use);
  • cleans the intestines (the effect of visual decrease in the volume of the waist);
  • helps to quit smoking (with complex therapy);
  • stabilizes the elevated blood sugar level.

We draw your attention that there is a small fraction of alcohol in home kvass. Therefore, it is necessary to use pregnant and patients with extreme caution.

Delicious home kvass (simple recipe)

You can make a healthy drink even without using yeast. Kvass will not emit a specific smell and will bring more benefits.

Required ingredients:

  • white and black bread - 250;
  • filtered water - 3 l.;
  • raisin - a small handy;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.

Kvass is best prepared from several varieties of bread. So the taste will be more rich and pleasant. The main thing is to use the bread of natural composition. For maximum benefit of kvass, it is recommended to bake a bakery product yourself.

  • 1 step - Cut fresh bread (together with a crust) on small plates (no more than 0.5 cm thick);

  • 2 step - lay out the prepared slices on a clean baking sheet (no need to lubricate) and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees 5 min. (Suchariki should slightly become a golden color if they are remembered, then the kvass will be with mustard);
  • 3 step - the water is brought to a boil;
  • 4 step - sterilize the glass jar, we put crispy slices into it and add sugar sand;
  • 5 step - gently introduce boiling water and slightly weak the container;
  • 6 step - as soon as the liquid in the bank becomes room temperature, we introduce the raisins (dried berries wash or pre-pumping it is impossible, it will increase the fermentation process);
  • 7 step - we remove the jar with the future kvass to the place where there is no access to direct sunlight, cover the gauze and follow the process;

  • 8 step - the first signs of fermentation may appear after 7 hours, the liquid will be "hiss" and foams (you can not remove the "cap");
  • 9 Step - count on 3 days from the beginning of fermentation and carry a double filtering of the drink (bread mezzani is well squeezed through gauze, it is a refrain-free sourdough, which you will need for the preparation of kvass next time);
  • 10 Step - We carry out the first tasting of the young kvass (the taste will be slightly different from the drink brought to full preparation), if you wish to add sweets: sugar or liquid honey;
  • 11 step - overflow the drink into plastic containers (in such a container it is easier to observe the preparation of kvass if the bottle sneezes well, it means that we turn to the final stage);
  • 12 step - we remove the container with a drink in a cool place (the ideal option is a basement or refrigerator);
  • The 13th step - as soon as Kvass becomes well cooled (about 3-4 hours) it can be used.

We recommend drinking home kvass within 3 days from the date of its preparation. It can be stored in plastic or sterilized glass container.

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