How to take Viagra

How to take Viagra

Viagra is a highly efficient drug intended for the full treatment of erectile dysfunction. Its components cause an additional blood flow to the sexual organ, prolong and enhance the erection, and also contribute to an increase in orgasme sensations.

How to take Viagra for the first time

Daily maximum dose of inhibitory inhibitor Sildenafila should not exceed 100 mg. Exactly the amount of component is an Safe for men of middle-aged without chronic pathologies of the liver or kidney. However, for men who are first accepted by Viagra, doctors recommend to reduce dose to 50 mg. This dosage can be increased in next Once, provided that the effect obtained did not satisfy you. In 80% of cases 1/2 Tablets Viagra grabs for strengthening Erections and enhance sexual excitation. The effect is preserved for 4 hours.

For men "for 50", as well as those who suffer from chronic pathologies of kidneys or liver, it is strongly recommended to reduce the daily dose of the drug to 25-50 mg (depending on the well-being). Reducing the dose is also recommended for regular reception of the drug (more than 2 times a week). With daily use maximum dose Sildenafila should not exceed 25 mg. When taking vasodilatory medical drugs, it is necessary to reduce the dose of Viagra to a minimum (up to 25 mg) and necessarily consulting with doctor.

How to take Viagra - Waiting for the drug

Viagra is able to work and make a man confident over 4 hours. This is quite enough to implement any intentions, tension removal, distraction from problems And to deliver a woman's pleasure. In your arsenal there is an as much as 4 hours, which should be enough to draw up a plan of his actions for the evening. The drug usually begins to act 30 minutes after the admission, but sometimes it happens and faster. To erection ne. caught you  examinePrepare and take a bath in advance, an hour to proximity.

How to take Viagra - the effect of food on the action of the drug

If you take the drug after taking oily food or abundant dinner, the drug will begin to act a little later. Erection will come in any case, regardless of food meals. The tablet can be enjoyed both to a romantic dinner and after. Please note the intake of alcohol (within reasonable limits) does not affect the effect of the drug. However, doctors recommend refusing alcohol intake, as it can temporarily block your ability achieve Erections. Alcohol affects people differently: Someone he removes stiffness, and someone leads from drowsiness.

Dependence on Viagra - True or fiction?

Cases of physical dependence on Viagra while Noticed were not, but long-term reception can provoke psychological dependence. Simply put, permanent The use of the drug causes a habit to the effect of a stable erection and after stopping the reception, the illusion of potency loosening occurs. If you constantly take Viagra, then it will seem to you that your erection is personally weak and not stable. Of course, this is not the case, you must return to the usual rhythm of sexual life with the familiar fluctuations, to which the dependence of the erection from fatigue at work, emotional state and overall health.

How to take Viagra - Contraindications

  • The use of the drug together with other substances aimed at the treatment of erection violations.
  • With increased sensitivity to any component of the drug.
  • It is forbidden to take women.

It is not recommended to apply patients who get constantly or with nitrite breaks, organic nitrates or nitrogen donators in any forms - Sildenafil Enhances their action.

With special vigilance it is necessary to apply Viagra under the anatomical deformations of the sexual organ, with diseases that promote the development of priapidations, diseases accompanied by bleeding, in heart failure, arrhythmias, ulcerative diseases duodenal gut and stomach.

The storage time of Viagra is indicated on the package. It is not recommended to take a preparation with an outdated amount. Before receiving always Learn the instruction. Watch that the storage temperature does not exceed 24 degrees.

Comments leave a comment
Paul 06/18/2018 at 8:22

We pathogens more contraindications and pobochek than here napisano..Voobsche not recommend them to indulge. If man is reduced libido, this is clearly not the norm. I immediately went to the doctor, when he saw it. Prescribed me Manse formula potential forte and tea with mint (more to calm the nerves, because it is also strongly influenced by) -in the end, all returned to normal. And agents of health only deteriorated.

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Yuri. 09.25.2018 at 17:23

I too long up the courage and the courage to go to the doctor, but all-Taik decided. In vain I was afraid the doctor was very delicate, listened, asked a few questions, gave advice and let go. Viatayl advised to buy, it is still cheaper than their counterparts, but they are not inferior in effectiveness. So it is now no problems in bed neti I am very happy about that.

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