How to take ginger for weight loss

How to take ginger for weight loss

We are used to using ginger as a fragrant seasoning for many dishes. But it turns out that with the help of ginger, you can significantly improve your health and lose weight significantly. This property is connected by a stem that a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients is in the root of ginger. Together, they activate metabolic processes in the body and do not allow fat to be deposited in unnecessary places.

In order not to be unfounded, we will tell you what exactly is in a ginger root. Microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, iron. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3 and C. In addition, there is a lot of fiber, proteins and light carbohydrates in the plant. More than any other plants used for weight loss, ginger contains useful amino acids. These are Valin, Leizin, Methyonin, Triptofan, Phoenilanin, Treonin.

For high -quality weight loss, ginger is taken in the form of decoctions, teas, tinctures and cocktails. Some nutritionists advise in parallel with delicious drink and take ginger baths. They believe that in this way fats in the body will burn faster. Now we will tell you how to cook drinks for weight loss from ginger, and give advice on how to take them.

The most famous drink from ginger is called “Sassy Water”. He received the name by the name of the nutritionist Cindia Sassi, who developed the recipe for this water. For the drink, take: one lemon, one fresh cucumber, 1.5 cm of ginger root and 10 pieces of fresh mint leaves. Prepare “Sassy Water” as follows:

  1. Cut the lemon into thin slices (do not remove the skin).
  2. Clean the cucumber and also chop thinly.
  3. Remove the dark skin from ginger and grate the root on the smallest grater.
  4. Pestlers pestle.
  5. Fold everything in a large jug and pour two liters of cold water.
  6. Send the jug to the refrigerator at night (at least 10 hours).

The prepared two liters of the drink must be drunk for one day, dividing it into equal portions. In the evening, put the next two -liter portion in the refrigerator so that in the morning a fresh drink is ready. Adhering to low-calorie nutrition (no more than 1000 kcal per day) and drinking the desired portion of “Sassy Water” per day, you can drop 3-4 kg in four days.

Ginger cocktail. In this drink, dry ginger powder is used, which can be bought in any supermarket in the "Spice" department. Cook the cocktail like this:

  1. Squeeze the juice of two green apples.
  2. Add a glass of not sweet yogurt to the juice, two teaspoons of liquid honey, a pinch of cardamom in powder and half a teaspoon of ginger powder.
  3. Beat the cocktail in the bowl of the blender.

A nutrient cocktail can be replaced with dinner or drink it for breakfast, adding a portion of low -calorie mussers with a drink. In this recipe, apples can be replaced with carrots, taking two of its pieces.

Cold tea with a fragrant and healthy ginger perfectly accelerates blood, which also helps to split fat. For tea, take: grated ginger (2 tsp), ground cinnamon (2 tsp), honey (2 tsp), boiling water (200 ml). First mix ginger and cinnamon and pour them with boiling water. Set aside a cup with a drink until it cools it. Next, strain the tea through a small strainer and add honey to it. If you want, then put a slice of lemon - it will shade all other tastes and tea will be more fragrant. Drink cold tea for weight loss two to three times a day, but do not forget to adhere to a rational diet.

A delicious infusion from ginger will not only help to lose weight, but also refresh on a hot summer day:

  1. Mix 20 g of finely chopped ginger root and 20 pieces of peppermint leaves.
  2. Pour the ingredients with hot water in the amount of 250 ml.
  3. Let the drink cool, and then strain it.
  4. Add 50 ml of fresh orange juice and 50 ml of lemon juice to the infusion.

Ginger, like any plant, has contraindications in terms of its use. Drinks and dishes with ginger are strictly prohibited for gastrointestinal problems (ulcers, colitis, cholelithiasis). Ginger should be taken very carefully to pregnant women and elderly people - for this it is better to consult with the doctor first.

Comments leave a comment
Chloe 12/10/2021 at 20:43

I think there is still a kind of good action because ginger perfectly supports the health of the thyroid gland. And when everything is in order with her, then there are no problems with the weight. I really for more proven funds. In particular, I accept endocrinol for this. The composition of the cinquefoil is white. Thanks to him, the hormonal background is in order and the size of the thyroid gland too. There are no problems with the weight.


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