How to cook lean pancakes?

How to cook lean pancakes?

Well, who does not love pancakes? This is probably a rhetorical question. But when the post comes, many, for some reason, forget that there are pancakes, only lean. If you think this is not very tasty, you are mistaken, and specifically. In fact, it is important to know the right recipes. And then, even in the post, you will enjoy soft, gentle and delicious pancakes. Let's talk today about the easiest and most insanely delicious recipes of laundry pancakes and find out how to cook them. If you do not imagine what they can work out for pancakes without milk and chicken eggs, this article is for you.

Drink pancakes in the post

Lean pancakes are the same favorite pancakes, only alone ingredients that are not allowed to be replaced by others, alternatives. Ultimately, we get unusual pancakes, but to taste, no worse than standard dairy pancakes.

The main advantage of the pancakes under consideration is their ease and, of course, this fact will delight girls, low calorieness, and therefore it will be possible to enjoy the pancakes and at the same time not to gain extra kilograms, well, is it a dream of every slightness?

Remember, post no time to deny yourself in pleasant moments and delicious food, you just need to know and try the right recipes, and then the post will be not tortured for you, but time for culinary experiments.

Lean pancakes are a finished product that can be used without any doubt during the post, because they include only the components allowed by the religion. Worry about this, you definitely do not have to. They do not have such components as:

  • eggs
  • sour cream
  • milk

The basis of such pancakes may be yeast or ordinary water. The main components belonging to the laundry pancakes are:

Oil of plant origin

  • salt
  • water
  • sugar
  • flour

For those who do not know, bring to your information that vegetable oil in the Christian faith, in the post, you can use on weekends, that is, on Sunday and Saturday.

Liquid base for lean pancakes is not only water, it may be chasters from cereals or vegetables, as well as severe mineral water. In addition, you can connect several types of flour at once, while getting delicious and unusual pancakes.

In this case, the following types of flour will be relevant options:

  • buckwheat
  • rye
  • corn
  • oatmeal

Just lean pancakes are really tasty, but if you choose the right stuffing - you do not pull off for your ears. The following fillings are perfectly suitable for lean pancakes:

  • dried fruits
  • jam from a variety of fruits
  • honey
  • syrup
  • jam
  • sweet pumpkin
  • fresh fruit whipped in a blender, you can even create fruit mixes

For those who are not a fan of sweet fillings, you can also use unsweetened fillings:

  • cabbage Fresh and stew
  • mushrooms and buckwheat, you can also mushrooms with potatoes
  • stew from vegetables, etc.

So, the post is not a period of hunger strike, but time for the flight of your imagination.

Pancakes on water

To prepare such pancakes, we will need simple ingredients that have every home, so run through the head for the components for pancakes, you definitely do not have to:

  • paul liters boiled not cold water
  • a half cups of flour (view and variety are chosen to taste)
  • vegetable oils no more than 40 ml
  • chopping soda and salt
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar or sugar sand
  • citric acid and vinegar if desired

We prepare pancakes on water as follows:

  1. In water room temperature, dissolve the cooked sugar prepared, and also add some salt there.
  2. Slowly neatly sifting there a half cup of flour and add, if desired, citric acid.
  3. After in the vessel with the ingredients there is vegetable oil and a little soda. All ingredients are well mixed.
  4. Remember that there should be no lumps in the cooked mixture.
  5. Heat the frying pan on the stove, it is advisable to lubricate it with oil, of course, vegetable origin. Start baking pancakes.

As it was possible to notice, everything is simple to madness, and what is important, very quickly.

Pancakes on mineral pack

For some it will be a discovery, but in fact, such a recipe takes a considerable demand for the owners, especially during the post. So, we will need:

  • Floor liter of severe water
  • No more pairs of cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • Pinch of salt (in this case, the amount depends exclusively from taste wishes)
  • Some vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons of the canteens)

Preparing pancakes on mineral moon:

  1. In this case, we first connect the sifted flour with sugar in advance. We add some salt there, and only then pour the components with mineral water.
  2. After, add a couple of spoons of vegetable oil and mix all very well.
  3. According to the classics - heating the pan and fry delicious pancakes on both sides. Not forgetting to follow them. Because such a dough is very quickly progress.

Pancakes in tea

You will probably be surprised, but also such a recipe exists and will be, as it is impossible, by the way, in case you want pancakes in the post. Ingredients for unusual pancakes:

  • 250 ml of any tea (it can be green, fruit or black)
  • wheat flour need 7 tablespoons without a slide
  • some sugar (3-4 spoons)
  • a pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil to taste (no more than 2 tablespoons)

Preparing tea pancakes:

  1. I will brew tea, of course, in this case it will be better if it is not from sachets, but a custard, loose, in general, as it should be.
  2. Leave tea to cool to room temperature. After it is completely cooled, you can add to it gradually all other ingredients in the next sequence: sugar, vegetable oil, salt.
  3. So that the mixture is homogeneous and without any lumps, to mix the ingredients to use the best born. And after the constituents will be well mixed, carefully, gradually suck the flour, spoon behind a spoon. We do not forget that all the flour must be well ashes, there should be no bugs in it, trash, etc.
  4. Mix the components again and you can add a baking pot a little so that the pancakes get more lush.
  5. Heat the frying pan and fry Super delicious pancakes.

As mentioned earlier, the post is not time to miss delicious food, because even adhering to all the rules of this event. If it can be called this, you can indulge yourself and your households with delicious dishes. It is also worth noting that you can not even say your dishes. You prepared by you, in this case, pancakes, lean, believe me, they like these delicious pancakes that no one will even think that there are no milk and eggs, as usual.

Factory, experiment and enjoy a delicious and useful meal, from which you can get a tremendous pleasure and not recover.

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