How to cook nut cake

How to cook nut cake

What can be delicious home cake, especially nut. If you at least once again prepare this original delicacy, it will become your brand. All girlfriends will ask you a recipe, because the cake is really tasty, fragrant and very beautiful. A large plus of this baking is also in what it turns out quite impressive size and weight, so it is enough for a large number of guests.

Products for Korzhi

You will need:

  • 3/4 cup of walken walnuts flour;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • 1 cup of sugar sand;
  • 3.5-4 cups of flour;
  • 2 pcs. raw eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 2 tbsp. honey of dark color;
  • 125 ml of water.

These ingredients are desirable, but you can also bring some changes to this list. Oil can be replaced with creamy margarine, all soda and vinegar on a tablespoon of dough breakdler, dark honey on honey of another color.

Baking korzhi.

First do some preparatory work:

  • From the total amount of sugar, select 3 tea spoons and put in a small bucket. On a very small fire, achieve sugar on the bottom to turn into a brown caramel. Pour into this dark mass of water and let caramels in it completely dissolve. You will get a brown liquid with a flavor of burnt sugar.
  • Creamy oil Put in a bowl and add honey to it. Melt the mass on the stove and mix.
  • Flour seek through the sieve.
  • Eggs sweep with the remaining sugar to a fluffy state.

Next, proceed to the manufacture of cortex:

  1. Mix melted with oil honey, whipped eggs and brown water. In this liquid mass put the soda redeemed soda. Stir.
  2. Add grind nuts first in small portions, and then the flour. Check out a rather soft dough.
  3. Divide the dough into six equal parts and roll out of them the cakes with a diameter of 24-25 cm.
  4. Bake the cakes in the oven at 180 degrees to light brown. Do not fridge them very much - they should succeed in soft.
  5. Each baked warm cake lay out onto a polyethylene film and cover the film. This will allow the korzhi to remain soft.

Products for cream

For creams you will need:

  • 3 glasses of sour creams of medium fatty;
  • 1 cup of grumbling in the flour of nuts, also walnuts;
  • 2 cups of sugar powder;
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar.

Do not take a very thick sour cream, because in combination with flour from nuts, it will turn into a very thick mass. Such a cream will not be able to impregnate the cakes well. Instead of sugar powder, it is possible to use sugar, but then the cream will have to interrupt very long to completely dissolve the grains.

Making cream

The technology is quite simple:

  1. In the sour cream, add sugar powder and use the mixer to take the mass to the puff. Do it on medium turnups.
  2. Add vanilla sugar and nut flour to the sweet sour cream. The cream is no longer whipped, but mix the spoon.
  3. Keep the cream in the refrigerator to the cake assembly.

Build cake

No matter how hard you try to keep the cakes with soft, because of a large number of nuts in them, they can slightly fire. Therefore, the assembly of this cake will be a little different from the traditional.

  1. Spread all six cakes on the table. Choose visually one with the most smooth surface - it will be needed for the top of the cake.
  2. For each cake, put a pair of spoons of cream and silicone spatula distribute the cream on the surface.
  3. An hour later, when the cream is absorbed into the cakes, lay out on them along the same portion of the cream and again distribute the shovel. Make it with five korzhs, and the sixth, the most even, the cream is no longer covered.
  4. Two hours later, when the second portion of the cream is absorbed into the cakes, they all squeeze them with a cream again, in addition, which is designed for the top of the cake.
  5. Lubricate the corthes laid on the table until the cream is over. Each time, let the sour cream absorbed.
  6. Fold the corties impregnated with cream on each other and cover the cake with top smooth korzh, which you have soaked with one portion of the cream.
  7. Future Cake in a cool place for 5-6 hours.

Final decoration of the cake

First prepare chocolate glaze:

  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 1.5 sugar glasses and 3 tablespoons of wheat flour.
  2. In the bucket, pour 2/3 cup of milk and put 80 g of butter to it. On slow fire, achieve their mixing.
  3. In a dry mass, pour two-orphans of warm milk with butter and mix to homogeneity. You will have a very thick chocolate mass.
  4. Enter the chocolate mass in hot milk, which, together with butter, stands on slow heat.
  5. Glaze mix and slightly warm it on fire.

The finished hot icing is pouring to the upper cake of the cake and helping the culinary spatula, distribute it throughout the surface and sides. Decorate the cake with halves of walnuts.

You can make nut flour in a blender. This method is clearly shown in this video.

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