How to cook a cake snickers

How to cook a cake snickers

A real home cake is always tasty, fragrant and very beautiful. Many mistresses bake these desserts for the holidays, and those who do not know how to regret it. Today you will learn a recipe for a completely stunning cake Snickers, which can be prepared for any woman. Why there is a woman - even a man will cope with this cake. It will turn out at the same time incredibly chocolate, crispy and so original that guests will still remember the homemade snickers.

Biscuit for Cake Snickers

Those who are completely not friendly with the dough can buy a shopping chocolate biscuit with a diameter of 22-24 cm. Total biscuit cakes you need 3 pieces. You can buy or three subtle embers or one thick cut into three layers. The same hostesses that already have skill with biscuit test will be baked independently.

  1. Turn the oven to heat up to a temperature of 180 degrees.
  2. The detachable round shape with a diameter of 22 or 24 cm is made at the bottom of the parchment. Parchment Wrap and the inner walls of the form. Lubricate it slightly vegetable oil.
  3. 100 g of flour Satch through a sieve and mix with 20 g cocoa powder and 10 g of a dough baking powder. Cocoa powder Take the best quality, i.e. Very dark and very smelling chocolate.
  4. 4 large fresh eggs, 150 g of sugar sand and 1 bag of vanilla sugar. While to increase the mass in two or even three times. The breakdown time will leave from seven to ten minutes.
  5. In the whipped mass, enter a dry flour mass in three intakes and each time the dough stirrate the silicone spatula.
  6. Finished chocolate dough lay out in the prepared form. Fill the form slightly sign on the table so that the dough in it is uniformly distributed.
  7. Bake the biscuit in a pre-preheated oven 35 or 40 minutes before its complete readiness. When you turn off the oven, you do not get a baking form for another 15 minutes. At this time, simply open the oven door and let the biscuit slightly cool in the warm oven.
  8. After 15 minutes, get the biscuit from the oven and remove it from the form. Remove the parchment paper from the sides and the bottom. Place the biscuit on the grid and let it completely cool the hour 2-3.
  9. With the help of a special thread or a long thin knife, cut a chocolate biscuit for three embers. Wrap them in the film so that the pastries do not dry.

Impregnation for cake Snickers

No matter how soft biscuit you did not work, make it all the same to it fragrant impregnation. You will learn about her commitment when you collect a cake.

  1. 200 ml of water and 100 g of sugar mix.
  2. Put the mass on the slow fire and achieve the complete dissolution of sugar grains.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of a coffee liqueur in a boiling sugar syrup. If there is no such thing in the house, you can add as much of any other fragrant drink (brandy, brandy, balm on herbs).
  4. Wait for the re-boiling of the impregnation and boil its seconds 30. During this time, alcohol will evaporate, and the fragrance will remain.

Cream for Cake Snickers

For this cake you will need sour cream, but very thick (fatty at least 25%). And still stocking of a standard jar of condensed milk, but also big fat.

  • If you bought a liquid, then throw it into three layers of gauze. After a few hours from sour cream, an excess serum will go and sour cream will acquire the necessary density. Do not forget to pay off at least 300 grams sour cream to gauze, so that in the end you have 200 necessary grams.
  • Swarge a jar of condensed milk in advance. You should have a caramel mass of dark color. Boil milk at least 4 hours, and then it will definitely cool it very well.

Next, simply mix thick sour cream and boiled condensed milk and get a mixer cream well. Store it to the cake to build it in the refrigerator.

Cake Filler Snickers

You will need 200 g of a cacheaker shopping cookie and 250 peanuts.

  • Cracker buy anyone except salt or onion. Break it into pieces of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Peanuts Finger in a hot oven for 10-15 minutes. So that it is not burned, constantly interfere with it. Remove it from the stove, put it with a hot leaf on the fabric and let it cool. Five minutes later, cover nuts with another piece of fabric and ride peanuts through the napkin with your hands. So you clean the nuts from the top husk. After complete cleaning the peanuts, let him cool down.

Build cake Snickers

And now the most pleasant part of the culinary affairs.

  1. To a wide flat dish, set the ring from the form in which you baked biscuits. At the same time, it is necessary to remove. Ring Fix the side lock.
  2. At the bottom, put the first korzh chocolate biscuit and moisturize it with a third part of the cooked fragrant impregnation. Apply it with a brush or just carefully pour a small spoon.
  3. Remove the cream from the refrigerator and put 200 g of peanuts and pieces of the cracker. Stir everything neatly. Mass you get very thick and inhomogeneous, but it should be. It is because of the fact that the cream you mix with cookies and nuts, you will need impregnation. If the cakes are not soaked, then in the finished cake they can get dryly, because the cracker will take all moisture.
  4. At the impregnated root laid in the ring, lay out half the mass of cream, nuts and cracker. Put the second cake on top and slightly press it with your hands.
  5. The second korzh also feed the remaining impregnation, but not all. Half leave for the top attachment.
  6. The second korzh, too, cover weighing nuts, cookies and creams. Above it with the third cake on top and again, it is slightly pressed.
  7. The third top cake is impregnate with alcohol sugar residues.
  8. Form with a semi-finished product wrap the food film and put for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator.

Cake decoration Snickers

  • 15 minutes before the time you gather to get a cake from the refrigerator, weld the chocolate fondant. For her, mix the 5 large tablespoons of cocoa, the floor of a glass of sugar, 50 g of soft butter and a couple of conventional milk spoons. Mass are heated on slow fire and achieve its complete homogeneity. Sweet you can do for any other recipe, the main thing is that it turns out quite thick.
  • Remove the shape of the refrigerator and remove the film. Estate the castle on the ring and remove it from the cake.
  • Cake evenly cover with warm chocolate fondant. Be sure to do it and sides.
  • From above Snickers cake decorate the remaining peanut.

There is a huge number of recipes for this original cake, but described above is one of the most delicious. Who wants, can try and other Snovers - watch the video.

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