How to make milk soup

How to make milk soup

Each of us has a dish favorite since childhood. Those for which we would have given everything to feel the very taste and again to plunge into childhood. One of these dishes is milk soup.

Each mother or grandmother carefully prepared us any food, but we, children, most loved sweet and dairy dishes. And now our kids also like the same dishes. We offer a simple recipe for making a dairy soup. He likes everyone and not only to children!

How to make milk soup

Each hostess has its secrets, because each mother knows that he is ready to eat her baby with an appetite. Prepare a delicious lightweight soup. It will take the main ingredient for its cooking - this is milk.

What other products are needed:

  • vermicelli, any pasta or homemade noodles - 150 g;
  • chicken eggs fresh - 2 pcs.;
  • a little sugar and salt - for an incomplete teaspoon;
  • creamy oil - 50 g;
  • milk cow - 1 l.

How to cook soup, come from childhood:

  • Milk must be poured into a saucepan, boil. It is always necessary to do, even if we bought the product in the refrigerator and are confident in its quality and expiration time.
  • In a separate bowl, until the milk boils, beat eggs. Long, do it with a plug, just to stir yolks.
  • Noodles of own preparation or store pasta, you need to fall asleep in a saucepan. As soon as they saw that milk boils, the fire should be reduced and immediately, after adding macaroni, mix the contents of the saucepan.
  • Then, without delay, add broken eggs and immediately mix. Milk is hot, so eggs grab instantly. We recommend pouring eggs with a thin jet so that they do not have time to grab large "rags". Missing vigorously and constantly, for 3 minutes.
  • For these 3 minutes, while you interfere, you need to add salt and sugar. We recommend first to put half a teaspoon salt, and sugar, mix, try soup. Perhaps on this and stop. Well, for sweets we introduce adjustments to the formulation and add instead of 1 tsp. Sugar, two or even three. But this will already be very sweet milk soup.
  • That's all! If the noodle did themselves, and it turned out to be fine, then this can be stopped. It is necessary to remove a saucepan with a dairy soup from the slab.
  • Enrich the finished dish slice of butter. Spill hot soup on plates, put it in each piece of oil, without stirring, we feed on the table with croutons.

Subtleties of preparation of dairy soup

To prepare a delicious soup, use these tips:

  • soup can be welded not only from cow's milk, but also from dry milk and even from condensed milk! On 2 glasses of water take 4 tbsp. condensed milk;
  • soup on milk can be cooked from vegetables. Only first the vegetables are boiled on the water, and at the end milk is added;
  • soup with buckwheat love all the kids. To cook a delicious soup, you first need to cook separately the cereal (be sure to spend the water), then you need to drain the excess liquid, add heated milk, cook on a weak heat, about 20 minutes, stirring periodically. In such a soup, put a piece of butter. According to the same scheme, the soup with the addition of mankey, corn, rice or bruises;
  • milk soup with potatoes - also deserves attention. Potatoes need to be cleaned (4 pcs.), And if you have time, soak in water for 15 minutes, dry, rub on a large grater. To cook in water to half-year, add warm milk (0.5 l), slightly salt (after boiling) and butter. Instead of oil, you can pour cream (2 tbsp.). Serve hot soup, sprinkle with crackers and grated with solid cheese.

Preparing milk soup with rice:

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