How to cook Lagman at home

How to cook Lagman at home

Lagman is a dish of Kazakh cuisine, in which boiled pasta and thick gravy from meat and vegetables organically connected.

How to cook noodles for lagman

Take two eggs and mix them with a pair of tea spoons of salt. Gradually, pour flour - you will need approximately two glasses. Check the cool dough and roll the ball out of it. Give the test to relax for 30 minutes, and then it is finely roll. Cut the dough on the diamonds or a wide noodle, give the products a bit a little.

Instead of self-made flour products, you can take the store spaghetti or noodles.

What meat take for lagman

In the original, the dish is preparing from lamb, but not all love it. Then take the beef, but go to the small piece of lamb sala - it will give the sublifting an unforgettable aroma and taste. Buy meat on the collective farm market - it should be fresh, not frozen.

What are the vegetables for Lagman

For rolling dishes, go back: potatoes, carrots, onions, bell pepper, tomatoes, asparagus beans, garlic. If you like radish, you can also put it in Lagman. Do not forget about fresh greenery:. Basil, dill, kinza. This fragrant greens in the lagman must be necessarily, and the rest can lay in taste. And you still need dry spices: Kinse Seeds (Coriander) and Zira.

Lagman cooking technology

You can prepare meat-vegetable gravy in advance, and before feeding it just warp it. Cook in a gravy in a thick-walled cauldron.

  • On three spoons of vegetable oil, fry 50-70 grams of bulk fat. It is preliminarized very finely.
  • Add 300 g of beef pulp, sliced \u200b\u200bwith cubes with sizes with a forest walnut. Fry meat to rosy.
  • Put two big bulbs to meat. They are too fine. Fry meat with onions until the bow becomes golden.
  • Add Carrot Cubes into Cubes (1 Piece), Sweet Pepper (2 pcs.), Radish (1/2 Part of a small root). Tow all together for a minute 3.
  • Now add tomatoes with cubes (2 pieces) and pieces of asparagus beans (100 g) and a couple of pieces of garlic. Check out until the oil starts separated from vegetables.
  • Put the seeds of Zira and Kinse to vegetables and meat and let the mass remove a couple more minutes.
  • Pour boiling water into cauldron so that it covers the contents and was 3 cm above.
  • Put in the gravity of finely chopped potatoes and cook the dish for an hour on a very slow fire.
  • Salt spill to taste.

Boil pasta. Flip them on the colander. In each plate, put a portion of the boiled noodle and fill it with a filling of meat and vegetables. Sprinkle Lagman finely blocked fresh greens.

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