For most people, the question “How to get better for 5 kilograms?” It sounds absurd, because today the most popular problem is getting rid of excess weight. However, not everyone knows and not everyone will understand that it is even more difficult to get better than lose weight. And those who really came across this problem stubbornly fight for every kilogram acquired.
The reasons that there is a need to gain 5 kilograms may be various factors. This can be as a need to improve your health and a desire to have magnificent forms. In any case, starting to eat all fat and calorie - this is the biggest mistake of anyone who wants to get better without an account. A sharp change in the eating diet can lead to problems with the intestinal and infantry tract, which will affect all other human organs. Sometimes excessive thinness is the result of poor appetite, you can fix this problem by drinking in the morning everyone familiar vitamins of ascorbic acid and using fresh apples and citrus fruits during the day.
Before starting the so -called diet with a mission, getting better for 5 kilograms, you must make sure that you are all right with health. If such a diet is a forced measure to restore the body, then be sure to check with your attending physician which products are contraindicated to you. First of all, it is necessary to increase the number of meals a day from three times to four and five. At the same time, there is no need several times a day there is fast food, fried dishes, confectionery. You can recover and take healthy food, which carries high calorie content. Below you can see the calorie content table and choose a list of priority products for yourself.
In order to get better, you can develop on your own, based on the above table and the products allocated to you, the diet, or you can take the following diet as a basis: breakfast No. 1 - milk porridge with butter; Breakfast No. 2 - flour products with condensed milk or butter; lunch - vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower oil, and the main hot dish; afternoon snack - a meat pie or a bun with mushrooms along with sweet tea; Dinner - fried potatoes or pasta with meat gravy. And be sure to drink hot milk with honey and a small sandwich before going to bed. The breaks between meals should not be more than 3-4 hours.
In addition to a diligent diet, in order to get better, you need to perform physical exercises. There is an opinion that only those who want to lose weight need to play sports, but it is deceptive. Indeed, to keep the weight gained, it is necessary that the muscles are pumped up, otherwise the fat simply will not cling to. No need to come up with some complicated set of classes, just perform the exercises that you like, but try to distribute the load on all muscle groups evenly.
Correct for 5 kilograms - the task is not easy and sometimes even more difficult than losing weight by 5 kilograms. The main thing in achieving this goal is a full -fledged diet with a constructed meal schedule, which will not only help return lost kilograms, but will restore appetite and improve health.