How to eat to gain muscle mass

How to eat to gain muscle mass

People who are engaged in power sports, especially bodybuilding, caresses the question not only "what you need to train" but also how to eat. " After all, how to take muscle growth, if the body does not have for this resources - nutrients. But, simple three-time meals here can not do, we'll have to deepen In subtleties.

How to eat to gain muscle mass - base base

  • Frequent and fractional food, you do not need to try to mask the entire daytime diet for one sitting, the sense of it will be very small. Human organism has a limit assimilation And all the unnecessary trite will go to the toilet. It is better to replace 3 major food receptions on 4-6 servings smaller, with breaks in 2-3 hours. This will allow the body to continuously get the nutrients they need.
  • Proteins are the main building material for muscles, which is abundantly contained in red meat (beef, pork), fish, eggs, dairy and fermented products (cottage cheese, milk, yogurt). Also used vegetable protein from legumes and soy.
  • Carbohydrates are needed for muscle work. They can be divided into slow and fast. Slowly digestible carbohydrates feed it for a long time (cereals, rye bread, pasta of coarse grinding flour). Fast carbohydrates give fast energy and for bodybuilders represent little value (white bread, sugar, starch, sweets). Carbohydrates should be a 40-60% calorie diet.
  • Fats are necessary to maintain important physiological systems of the body (hormonal, immune, etc.) in a healthy state. Used to replenish energy reserves. Fat cleavage is a time-consuming process, therefore should not be abused with them. Unsaturated fats will be especially useful, they are contained in fish, vegetable oil (olive, flax, sunflower, peanuts), nuts, soy products. But saturated fats and transjirov It is worth avoided in a daily diet, or reduce their consumption to a minimum. Saturated fats are absorbed from the fat of animals or butter. Transjira Can be used in the manufacture of margarine and soft oil, ice cream and low-quality dairy products.
  • Vitamins and trace elements are contained in vegetables, fruits and greens. They not only diversify the diet, but also contain fiber that promotes digestion, and also support the immune system.

How to eat to gain muscle mass - Food Reception Schedule

  • Breakfast will help prepare the body to the working day and should consist of carbohydrates (60%, fast carbohydrates - 5%) and proteins (40%). For example, egg omelet, with boiled chicken and rye loaves + banana.
  • In the same proportion must be made up afternoon and lunch, avoiding fast carbohydrates. Tuna and boiled rice salad are perfect.
  • If breaks between meals make up more than 2 hours and the person begins to feel hunger, you can intercept nuts or dried fruits. But this can not be done if for 1 hour Food should be eaten.
  • For 1 - 1.5 hours before the start of the training, it is necessary to focus on carbohydrates - 70% of slow carbohydrates by 30% protein.
  • After training (in the first 30 min), fast carbohydrates will need, for example, from fruits to reduce the stress of the body. In no case can not be abandoned from a full-fledged meal, buckwheat and beef stew. The proportions of 60% of carbohydrates and 40% protein.
  • The last meal must be no later than 2 hours before sleep. If such a dinner should not immediately at workout, it can be made almost completely protein - 3-5 boiled eggs, cucumber or greens.
  • All novice athletes consume: men - 2500 kcal, girls - 2150 kcal. Meaning the average physique and weight of 50-70 kg. WATER Men's organism is required 2.5 - 3 l per day, and female 2 - 2.5 liters per day.
    Day consumption 1.25 - 1.75 g of protein and 2 - 2.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight. This data can be found on product labels. The nutritional value on the label is described, as a rule, for dry product.
  • If a person is going to have breakfast of oatmeal, after cooking 100 g of oatmeal he will receive about 300 g cashies. The content of only 11 g of protein, that is, less than 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the daily norm for the man of the average set. Prosicable to completeness should reduce the total amount of carbohydrates by 10%, and the use of protein leave the same (and add to his chart the day cardiotrerians). The same who tries to gain weight, carbohydrates need to add.

The most important thing in a sports diet: food in moderation and with pleasure. Do not overeat to nausea, it is better to increase the amount of food receptions. It is impossible to force yourself to eat monotonous, the schedule will endure 1 day a week when a person will have what he wants. It is not recommended to overeat and not at night.

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