How to establish an intestine

How to establish an intestine

If you notice any failures in your intestines: gas formation, bloating, changing the chair, discomfort and other symptoms, then you can seriously think about your lifestyle and what you eat. Often, even light symptoms may indicate a violation of the gastric-intestinal tract in general, as well as about some diseases that are asymptomatic. First of all, consult a doctor and eliminate a number of diseases to protect yourself from emotion and possible consequences, only then try the methods described below that help return the intestinal job in the same direction.

How to establish a bowel work - the importance of clean water

You can drink coffee, tea, juices and any other drinks during the day, however, they will not replace clean water to fully. Doctors recommend to use a day from one and a half liters, depending on your sizes. From the overall size of this liquid, more than 60% should be clean water: boiled, mineral, distilled, melt. You can prefer any type of water purification.

If you drink less fluid, then gas formation, pain, changing the chair threatens your intestines.
Also flying to drinks containing caffeine, you enhance a diuretic effect on the body, which badly affects the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, if it happens constantly.

Try to always have a bottle with clean water at hand, give preference to herbal teas, instead of black, and also use coffee as rarely as you can.

How to establish a bowel work - Move more

A sedentary lifestyle reduces your metabolism to a minimum, as a result, a person quickly gains weight, gets swelling, cellulite may appear on the legs, and the intestine works so slowly that constipation appear.

Dilute your day with charging, easy workout in the evening and walk to work. Stop ride on the elevator, go through two steps so that the load should be on the jagged muscles. You can use the muscles even just standing on the spot: start gently to build on the most socks and not until the end to get up on the floor.
At the weekend, go to the gym, or find an active recreation to my own.

How to establish intestinal work - Products containing fiber

Due to the fact that the fiber is not completely digested, it perfectly cleans our organism and derives many harmful substances. Pay attention to such products:

  • Oat bran, wheat, rye.
  • Coarse bread.
  • White white cabbage.
  • Carrot.
  • Broccoli.
  • Spinach.

In addition, marine cabbage and algae are also not completely digested. Have a pleasant bonus, you will receive the replenishment of the daily need for iodine. Finely cut the cabbage into a salad, meat or a garnish - so you will not feel her taste if he doesn't like you.

How to establish an intestine work - eat less animal proteins

Of course, the protein is important for the body, but you can give preference to vegetable proteins that are in huge numbers are contained in champignons. Watch the table on the Internet with an indication of the protein content in different plants, vegetables and mushrooms and try to acquire them.

Animal proteins will only aggravate the intestinal problems. Discard from fat fish, birds, meat, cottage cheese and eggs, or eat them as less as possible in the morning.

How to establish an intestine - Vitamins and biological additives

With a modern pace of life, you will not be able to have time to eat all those minerals, trace elements and vitamins that are needed for the normal operation of the whole organism. Consult the doctor or pharmacist, which is better than the vitamin complexes you choose to solve the problem of the gastrointestinal tract. Take them at the same time every day, not passing techniques.

Sometimes you need to take two or three complexes together, withsting the necessary pause between the receptions. In this case, count the time as close as possible and put reminders on your mobile phone.

Comments leave a comment
Lisa 02/06/2018 at 10:38.

Fully agrees that food and water is half of the success. I still recently bothered constipation ... So it was thanks to the correct balanced nutrition (+ I still took the fetzyl norm), a good drinking regime managed to normalize the intestinal work. So I advise you not to neglect these rules to those who are also suffering with such a notch

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Natalie 19/09/2019 at 20:10

When violating the work gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to go to the doctor, and not to engage in prevention. I also thought, I will change the meals and everything will be okay. Yeah, where, there, found dyspepsia, said urgently to sit on a diet and drink enzymes. Another Siemeticone with Fennel from the bloody was recommended to drink so that the intestines were easier. So a hike to a specialist is the best thing to be done in this case.

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Victoria 29/07/2020 at 11:22

In his youth, there was no problem with the intestines, and now the bloating, then some obscure pain. It turned out that the intestines formed cavities that are populated by bacteria, they can still be inxisted. This is a diverticular disease, but is diagnosed according to the results of colonoscopy. Now I will be alpha Normix every month, thanks to him, the number of these bacteria in the diverticulas decreases, and in general, the state is better becoming, without pain, bloating.

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