How to treat a bruise?

How to treat a bruise?

A bruise is the most common injury in human life. A clear example of a bruise is a bruise, the appearance of which is characterized by pain and edema. The consequences of a small bruise with proper treatment disappear after a couple of days. But sometimes symptoms of injuries are manifested in a week, in such cases, medical intervention will be needed.

Bruise and first aid

Immediately after the injury, you need to determine the integrity of the bones, make sure that there are no fractures. To do this, you need the help of a traumatologist. After the bruise, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage and create rest conditions for the patient. In the presence of abrasions and scratches, the processing of disinfectants will be required. If the leg is damaged, then you need to place it on the hill and prevent the load for several days. You can aggravate the situation in the case of steaming limbs. At first it is recommended to apply cold, because it narrows blood vessels and stops bleeding, and anesthesia.

Acute treatment period

The cooling of the limb after a day will not bring any effect. Next, you need to warm the affected area. To do this, use warm baths, lotions and compresses that help relieve swelling and dissolve blood. Anesthetize and relieve inflammation at this stage of treatment can be with the help of plasters of nanoplast Forte. In addition, they activate blood circulation and absorb hematomas.

The period of the restoration of bruises

Independent rubbing of the bruise can cause thrombophlebitis, that is, to clog the veins with a blood clot. If the injury is moderate and heavy, then the doctor recommends physiotherapy procedures:

  • UHF;
  • magnet;
  • electrophoresis with therapeutic solutions.

Drug treatment of bruises

The place of bruises must be treated with anti -inflammatory ointments and gels 4 times a day. The composition of ointments includes painkillers- sodium diclofenac, ketoprofen. In the case of wounds or abrasions at the place of bruises, the funds cannot be applied. If the edema is large, then the amount of ointment should be appropriate, since it makes it difficult to penetrate the product under the skin. If the patient has severe pain, then analgesics will be needed. With not passing pain, the help of a doctor needs, since self -medication can aggravate the situation.

Methods of treatment at home

Our ancestors treated themselves with folk remedies, because a person is interconnected with nature by special threads. Consider how to treat a bruise at home:

  • Vinegar and oil

The use of this tool will relieve waste and eliminate the accumulation of fluid in the knee. To prepare, take the same proportions of oil, water and vinegar, stir everything. Moisten the bandage in the resulting solution, place on a bruise. Wrap with cellophanine on top and fix it.

  • Ointment with strong bruises

To prepare the product, you will need spruce resin, tar birch, fresh fat. Place equal parts of the ingredients in a clay container, cover and send it to a preheated furnace. As the furnace cools, you can apply the product. Each time you need to heat the ointment.

  • Burdock from inflammation

You will need 100 grams of burdock and 200 ml of any oil. Then insist the composition and slightly warm up, not bringing to a boil. Remove the finished product in a cold and dark place.

  • Herbs with bruises

On a bruise you can place a baddy, a copper nickel, crushed wormwood. Infusion from the powder bark of oak and margarita flowers also helps with injuries.

  • Green plants

Grind the plant until the juice appears. Then grease the affected place for them. Thanks to chlorophyll, you can cure the wound. After blood stopping, the place will hurt for several minutes, but then everything will pass.

  • Vinegar

The pain quenches perfectly. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 2 tablespoons in a liter of water. Put the moistened bandage on a bruise several times a day.

  • Tinctures

To prevent the formation of a malignant tumor in the area of \u200b\u200binjury, a tincture of garlic and vinegar will be needed. Grate the garlic head and pour 200 ml of vinegar. Insist for a week. Then rub 2 times a day.

Often, bruises are completed by negative consequences, up to the disability of the patient. For this reason, for an adequate assessment of the condition, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor.

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