How to treat Stomatit

How to treat Stomatit

The disease that develops in the oral cavity and characterized by redness of the mucous membrane to form ulcers, white plaque or bubbles with watery filled (at the same time accompanied by painful manifestations and sometimes increased body temperature), called stomatitis. It happens a few species and arises as a response of immunity to any infection. Only the doctor will be able to determine its etiology and appoint proper treatment. You can carry out the accompanying and additional therapy for the designated recommendations on your own, that you will facilitate a painful state and speed up recovery.

In children and adults, the foundations of the treatment of stomatitis are the same, the main thing is the frequent rinsing of the mouth with antiseptic means. The local processing of the affected sections of the epithelium and the use of antiviral drugs, which appoint a doctor, depending on the age category of the disease and, respectively, the nature of the disease is connected.

If stomatitis is manifested by the appearance of ulcers with watery bubbles according to herpes type - do not disturb them. The main thing is to keep the drinking mode and not disrupt the integrity of the neoplasm. Candidose (white raid, similar to curly neoplasms with uneven edges) is treatable only in a complex with antifungal drugs. The provoking factors of the occurrence of stomatitis in the language are traumatic prostheses, dented stone, sharp edges of teeth, food.

Food with all types of this illness should be warm, the protruded species, pleasant in sensations. Exclude all irritating mucous membaches (salty, sour, sharp, coarse food). The sick should have individual dishes, hygiene items. Regularly ventilate the room, all personal means disinfect. Do not forget that stomatitis is a contagious disease.

Mouth rinsing Make a feromatophyt (accordingly instructions for use), Furacilin, carrot juice (divorced in proportion with water 1: 1), chamomile beams, sage, oak and calendula bark. In young children, the improvement in the state can be achieved by treating the mucous membranes with such decoctions and with the help of conventional food soda (2 tsp of soda solvent in a glass of warm water, moisten a gauze tampon in the resulting solution and treat the mucous membacity struck by stomatitis). Such events will significantly reduce the plots of inflammation and painful manifestations of stomatitis.

Antiviral tools that can be successfully used in children: oxolin or tebrophen ointment, acyclovir ointment. Salcossurle (for adults) will speed up the process of regeneration of ulcers and AFT. Carloy tampon dry the surface of the wound, on which, without rubbing, apply the drug. Use these drugs locally, in areas of damage to the mucous, 3-4 times a day.

With strong pain in the oral cavity, apply anesthetic gels based on lidocaine (Lidochlor, Kamistad, Hxoral, Anestzine, for children - Holovaal). Such funds have anesthetizing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

People's methods of treatment apply only with minor manifestations of the disease and when agreeing with the attending doctor. Sea buckthorn butter, rosehip and aloe juice are able to speed up the process of restoring the mucous membrane. Any of the selected funds apply to the wound after cleaning the mucous membrane, after eating and before bedtime. Blueberries are pleasant to taste and have good regenerating qualities.

Bactericidal properties possesses garlic cashem, mixed in the same proportion with kefir (apply it directly to the wounds), and egg protein (dissolve it in 100 ml of warm water and get the mouth to 7 times a day).

Prevent this disease is easier than to treat. Observe the oral hygiene, consume a sufficient amount of vitamins to strengthen the immunity, follow the state of health. Do not forget that even when there are no manifestations of disease, and Stomatitis still arises - this is the signal that serious violations occur in the body, the reason for which you need to look for.

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Kira 08/27/2018 at 22:29

I use Vysocida if Stomatitis. It helps in a few days, even if strong inflammation. There are therapeutic herbs in the composition - solid benefit!

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Margo 12/21/2019 at 6:24

It is important to approach the treatment. To start, kill infection and do not give it to spread. I am alive for this orvis lysozyme (I ordered a phytomarket in the online store, it turns out so more profitable). Well, and then, of course, healing means are needed, I just smeared an anti-inflammatory ozvil. So stomatitis and passed))

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Yuliya 08/03/2020 at 20:51

Effective tool is Aftofiks, you can easily eat, drink, there is no discomfort and for 3 days I have a stomatitis with him completely passed.

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Victoria 05/04/2021 at 23:12

Typically, viscid only take in stomatitis. Immunity slightly weakens, so immediately, the harsh rings in the mouth appear. And the rinser is very cool heals, simultaneously acts on pain and viruses with bacteria. There is no complication, I like it.

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