How to get rid of drowsiness

How to get rid of drowsiness

Sleep at work? Do not feel cheerful and energetic? Then be sure to use our advice as overcome drowsiness. Today we will help to figure out why you constantly want to sleep and how quickly go back to active condition.

Causes of drowsiness

Of course, if you spent the night in the club yesterday or there was a breathtaking series until the morning, then the reason for the desire to sleep is clear. But what serves as a reason for passive state during the daytime, if you have passed the midst of at least 8 hours? The grounds for such well-being can be a lot, but most popular are:

  • meetability (sometimes a person does not even notice that his mood and health status varies from the weather, but lethargy is one of the first symptoms of meteo-dependence. The desire to sleep can cause not only a cloudy or rainy day. If behind the window is snow or strong wind, then the chances of the appearance of drowsiness significantly increase);
  • regular stress, enhanced physical or mental work (the body hints you that he needs a "reset");
  • lack of fresh air indoors;
  • avitaminosis (Most of all people suffer from the end of February, when the body is dried from the lack of vitamins, especially vitamin D, which radiates the sun);
  • infectious diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, brain (accompanied by a number of others, pronounced symptoms: dizziness, nausea, chest pain, elevated temperature, etc.);
  • cervical osteochondrosis (characteristic even for young people who lead a sedentary lifestyle);
  • use of medicines (in many, including homeopathic agents, there is a side effect - drowsiness);
  • the use of a gadget for more than 2 hours in a row (scientists have proven that regular "yuzania" of smartphones or tablets leads to quick fatigue and desire to sleep during the daytime).

How to cheer up?

To overcome lethargy, you must "fool" your brain and make it work in the activity phase. The oldest and proven way is to drink a cup of coffee. Please note that you do not achieve the desired wake, if you use instant coffee. A drink that will help get rid of drowsiness should be fresh. If you "pee" at work, then it will help to return the active state of a few more proven ways:

  • citrus - In this case, they need not, but sniff. Cover the lemon or orange near himself near himself, you must clearly feel the specific smell for 15 minutes (citrus essential oil is also suitable);
  • ginger tea - make a small amount of ginger root and give it to be broken (already a few minutes after receiving tea, you will feel a tide of cheerfulness);
  • turn on the light - in the room there should be enough light (so the deception of your perception and the body start to act);
  • we make charging (first of all, you need to warm the neck well to increase the inflow of oxygen to the brain. Next to start the warm-talking of the fingers and legs);
  • the contrasting souls (if there is no possibility to take a shower, then you simply be very warm and hot water alternately);
  • communication with animals (enough to stroke a homemade cat, watch your favorite fish, etc. Psychologists assure that even watching funny animals video will help get rid of drowsiness);
  • drink a lot of cool non-carbonated water (dehydration of the body leads to a wish to sleep, drinking a sufficient amount of cold water will make you awake);
  • respiratory gymnastics (the correct breathing technique helps not only to overcome drowsiness, but also will strengthen the performance, physical activity);
  • a cheerful dance for beloved music (even a 3-minute active dance will help bring the body into waking mode);
  • point massage (Start massage the westerns clockwise 1 min., Further, smash your hand pads well, pay special attention to the maizins, go to the circular massage of the knees. Complete the point massage you need easy pats on the cheeks).

To cope with drowsiness, spend more time in the fresh air, get distracted from gadgets. We do not advise you to abuse energy, which help artificially cheer up.

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