Raji on the face - this problem appears not only among girls, but also men, as well as children. In fact, this problem is relevant at all times, so you need to look for ways to solve such an unpleasant moment. Let's figure out today with what methods of getting rid of such a problem.
Acne on her face
In addition to the fact that pimples on the face - this problem is physical, it also has a psychological side, namely, people feel very comfortable. When their face was covered with pimples, and the girls on this occasion are generally "crazy." Rashes are different:
- small acne without heads
- white head pimples
- painful tubercles
- bleeding pimples
Some are confident that the presence of acne affects their success and to some extent they are right, because the self-confidence is quickly lost when your face is completely even snapped with pimples.
The reasons for rash can be the most diverse, but most often such a problem appears:
- if you do wrong
- there are problems with gastrointestinal tract
- regular use of harmful and greasy food
- the presence of skin diseases
- allergies to dust and other components that surround you
If before everyone fled when such a problem appears to the beautician, today the experts are confident that you first need to go to the doctor a gastroenterologist.
It is also necessary to pay special attention to its diet - it should be present water, useful products, including vegetables and fruits.
Often, small acne on the skin appear in those who do not know how to follow their skin and care for her or does it not correctly. Let's deal with this more.
Wrong care
So that you do not have any skin problems. It is necessary to properly select a face career to properly select. Many factors should be taken into account here, including:
- type of skin
- Skin problems
- tolerability or not tolerance of any component as part of cream
To prevent the appearance of acne or reduce their number on the face. It is necessary every day in the morning and under the evening to carry out skin cleaning procedures. Especially important this procedure is in the summer period of time when the sun is affected by the skin, and dust that is everywhere.
Never leave cosmetics on your skin on the night, as if lazy you did not wash it off in the evening.
It will be best if you consult a cosmetologist who can pick you up a cream to care for your face and tell about the type of your face and about what you need.
If you have a small rash on your face, do not think to make your face cleaning with your own hands, because such a procedure will only worsen the condition of your skin and affect the prevalence of rash, so consider this fact when you choose ways to combat small acne on the face.
Ways to fight acne on face
Often, many women and girls are faced with such a problem during menstruation. In this case, this problem may be temporary and after a few days it may simply disappear. Sometimes, it happens that rash appears and does not fit, so the reason for the appearance of such a problem can be hormone-free (problems with hormones). In this case, it is worth passing all the necessary analyzes to certain hormones and only then find out how to treat such a problem.
The first thing you need to understand is that this outdoor problem is most often the reason for the presence of an internal problem, respectively, it is necessary to treat it from the inside.
There are also recipes for folk remedies that can help cope with the problem under consideration. The first recipe is a facial mask with fermented products. To prepare such a mask you will need:
- kefir - 250 ml
- oatmeal - 250 g
- lemon juice
The cooking process is as follows:
- We pour the previously cooked oatmeal with kefir, it is pre-it is desirable to grind it.
- Mix, add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon and mix again.
- Finished mask need a thin layer on face. Keep it on the skin you need at least 18 minutes. Such a mask must be used regularly, within one month.
There is also an excellent face mask that will help reduce inflammation that appeared on your face. Ingredients for the means:
- Honey - 3 teaspoons
- Yolk - 1 pc
- Lemon juice - a few drops
Cooking looks like this:
- We mix in the same dish all the ingredients and mix.
- We apply the resulting composition on the face with a subtle layer.
- Keep such a mask on the skin face must not less than 10 minutes.
- Making such a mask too often can not, because it can negatively affect your skin. It will be enough to make 4 masks so that the rash on the skin is at times decreased.
Another mask from acne on the face:
- For cooking you will need a small piece of soap of the economic, as well as salt (it should be very small).
- She prepares mask very simple, all that is needed is to grasp the economic soap on a large grater, add quite a bit of water there and make a foam (beat the resulting mass).
- We take the resulting foam (no more than 1 spoons) and add a small salt to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face.
- Keep on the skin is not more than half an hour, so as not to harm the skin cover.
- Often it is not necessary to make such a mask, three times a week will be enough.
Clean your skin and your body, and then the likelihood of such a problem will be approached by zero.
And I turned out to be not just acne, but the most real demodecosis. But the benefit that managed to quickly cure. The emulsion of the benziobenzoate, which I dreamed with water 1 to 1 and lubricated my face in the morning and in the evening. A month later, everything was completely passed.
i was able to defeat acne with the right skin cleans, made masks with clay, I also note the alternation of serangements for point application, well suits and relieves inflammation
I regularly make facial cleaning, so there are no particular problems with acne. Usually one or two pimples jump before month. In this case, I have siezin patches. Stick them on pimples and they quickly pass. At the same time, they do not dry the skin, which is important for me, because my skin and so dry
The main thing is not to touch anything on your face with your hands, and if you were not kept, I could not at least treat Argosulfan's wound to protect ourselves from infection, well, the scars on the face did not remain. Agree for every girl it is important.