Feichoa is an exotic berry of the evergreen tree of the Mochtime. This fruit is very fragrant, useful and has a pleasant sweet taste with light sourness. Juicy Feichoa is widely used both in cosmetology and in the preparation of various desserts, drinks and sauces.
Selection and use
Feichoa was opened in Brazil only at the end of the 19th century and gained its popularity in the markets of France. It was in France for the first time in Europe that tasted this juicy and very fragrant fruit. To Feichoa really pleased with his taste, he should be very ripe.
Ripe fruit can be determined on a dark green and very saturated color, as well as for seasonality Feichoa. These berries ripen at the end of October, and before the beginning of December, the peak of the feiho is ends. It is in this period that it is easiest to get ripe fruit. Feicho should be soft, without scratches, dents and damage to the peel. Fruit must have a pleasant smell with something resembling strawberries with pineapple. If the fetus is solid - it is worth leaving it in a warm place for a couple of days for ripening.
Be sure to ask the seller to show you the pulp of the fetus, cutting it along, because the ripeness can be easily determined by the jelly pulp of the face of transparent color. If the fruit has a white flesh - he has not yet dose, if the brown is, he is spoiled. If one fetus from the seller is spoiled, most likely the whole batch of fruit will be the same.
- Facey eating completely, but since the peel of this fetus is tapering, many eat only the middle, cutting the flesh with a spoon.
- The pulp of the fetus juicy, gentle, with a small amount of seeds.
- Very often, the peel of the Feichoa is added to hot black or herbal tea, as it is very fragrant and gives hot drinks a light gentle shade.
- Keeping the fruits you need long and best do it in the fruit box in the refrigerator.
- Store the berry from 7 to 14 days, depending on ripeness.
- Very often, these fruits freeze or prepare fragrant fresh jam by adding honey, nuts and dried fruits to the fruits.
- Fruits are used both fresh and in the form of juice, jam, smoothie, compote, tincture, in salads, snacks and baking.
Faicho benefits
Feikhae's fruits are used in food, used in cosmetology, as well as in the medicinal tincture on the peel of this berry. Faja benefits are contained in its composition, because this fruit is rich in a large number of antioxidants and vitamins. Fejoa's package can be attributed to:
- The high content of iodine in Feichoa fibers surpasses any other products - red fish and even sea cabbage. In contrast to other iodine carriers, this trace element in Feichoa is completely absorbed by the body. The use of this fetus is recommended to people with shimoid gland lesions and strong hormonal failures. The amount of iodine in just one fruit of Feicho is capable of quenching the norm of iodine per day in the body of those who live far from the sea climate.
- Vitamin B1 in Feichoa normalizes and establishes the metabolism, accelerates metabolism, improves the work of the heart muscle, stimulates the coordinated work of cerebral structures.
- The content of light proteins and fats makes Faichoa perfect fruit to the late dinner, and also accompanies his recommendation to people suffering from metabolic disorders, diseases of the stomach, obesity, incapacination, decline, reduced immunity and vitaminosis.
- Vitamin C is not only a strong antioxidant, but also protects the body from infections and viruses, high quality strengthening immunity. The greatest content of this vitamin has fauich peel. Also, the peel of this fetus contains a large amount of essential oil, which is actively struggling with various carriers of viral diseases.
- Vitamin B2 establishes a hormone system, supports the normal level of hormones in the blood, contributes to the formation of blood cells - erythrocytes, and also cleaves fat cells, actively regenerating the tissue and eliminating the "orange crust".
- Kakhetnya and Leicoantocin in Feichoa's housing contribute to deep antioxidant effect on the entire body, protecting it from negative factors of the external environment.
- Vitamin PP stabilizes the structural elements of the nervous system and its activity, participates in protein and carbohydrate exchange, and also strengthens and protects the heart system from malicious factors.
- B5 - establishes metabolic processes in the body, has a therapeutic effect with colds, bronchitis, liver diseases, allergies of various etiology and pancreatitis.
- Pectines, folic and malic acids, as well as fiber, make Feichoa an indispensable product in the right and healthy weight reduction, in the fight against atherosclerosis and obesity.
- Vitamin B3 - normalizes the stomach microflora, improves digestion, stabilizes the activity of the stomach, lowers the pressure, eliminates cholesterol plaques and is actively struggling with pathogenic microorganisms.
- With the help of vitamin B6, the production of gastric enzymes in the body is improved, spasms and muscle cramps are eliminated, and the active slowdown in the aging of all structures occurs.
Application of Feichoa in cosmetology
This fruit is widely applicable to cosmetology and eliminates such skin problems, teeth, nails and hair like:
- excessive fatty skin of the face and head;
- dull skin color;
- black dots and acne inflammations;
- fungal diseases of nails;
- demodecosis;
- pigment spots, freckles and acne traces;
- extended pores;
- bleeding gums;
- ulcers and wounds.
To eliminate the skin lesions, a variety of masks, tinctures for wiping foci of inflammation, as well as fetal peel tonic, are prepared. Faja's decoction is used to rinse the oral cavity, rinsing hair, lotions and wiping of inflamed places, and essential oil is used for whitening freckles and pigment formations, scars and shallow scars, acne, fungal lesions and demodecosis.
Contraindications for the use of Feichoa
This wonderful fetus has some contraindications to use in food or dermatological purposes. Like any product, Feichoa needs to be used with caution. To the reasons for unwanted reception of these berries include:
- individual allergy to Feichoa;
- diabetes;
- hyperchitivity to iodine;
- faja's combination with dairy products;
- hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
- excessive use of fruits.
Feichoa is a very tasty and healthy fruit that should be present in each diet. It is important to comply with the rate of Feichoa use - 5-6 fruits per day, and then this wonderful berry will only benefit you and unique taste.
Yes, Fairoa is really a useful fruit ... I have when I have problems with the thyroid, I strongly advised it as often as possible it is, the benefit in the south I live, there are no problems with him. + Of course, even more seafood included in the diet and endocrinol took. All together and helped. Now with the size of the thyroid houses there are no problems, namely they suffered